primocms / primo

Primo is a visual CMS with a built-in code editor, Svelte blocks, and static site generator.
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Unable to deploy a website made through Primo. #388

Open GreenerLeaf opened 1 month ago

GreenerLeaf commented 1 month ago


Attempting to deploy a website made in Primo leads to the interface getting stuck.


Pretty high, Probably an 8/10 if I had to guess?


Within the deployment menu, You can either click "Download" or "Deploy to Github/Gitlab" to automatically have it available through a web host. However, Clicking on either of these options will just lead to an endless loading icon along with several error messages in the web inspector. I'm not sure if this is related to how I am hosting with Vercel or with how my Supabase is configured but it's odd. Deployment through Github will not work regardless if you have selected an existing repository or created a new one.

Steps to replicate:

Step 1. Make a website with Primo. Step 2. Click "Deploy" and click on either of the two options. Step 3. In theory, You will not be able to download or deploy the existing website.

Screenshots and Clips:

Attempting to deploy through Github:

Error codes when deploying through Github:


Attempting to download directly:

Additional Notes:

I'm not sure if this problem has been reported before. I've tried with multiple browsers and looking into settings for Vercel, and Supabase although it definitely seems to me like more of a challenge with the frontend rather than external factors. All respective platforms have my Github linked and even then, Local downloads and deployments should be a suitable alternative.

It's somewhat similar to #365 but a different set of problems as I can still see and interact with github repositories and that issue seems to be somewhat resolved. Perhaps I could try a different web host like Netlify if Vercel is problematic with this environment. I intend to have the final websites made through this utility hosted through Cloudflare and synced with a private github repository. Let me know if this is sufficient in terms of details or if there are other areas I could include and I hope this is helpful in terms of narrowing down or having this sorted.

jalberto commented 1 month ago

Same here in a new installation, I tried classic GH token and new token

mateomorris commented 1 month ago



That error tells me that some data is missing from one of your blocks - you should be able to tell because they'll fail to load in the sidebar (either by showing an infinite spinner or a red error icon). You can try editing their content and saving the block, or downloading it and opening up its JSON to add any missing data properties under the "content" object, then re-uploading it to your site.

mateomorris commented 1 month ago

@jalberto do you see any error in your console or server logs?