princekhunt / privateping

PrivatePing is a secure messaging application built on Python's Django framework, providing end-to-end encryption for messages exchanged between users.
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Don't allow user to click on send button, while message box is empty #24

Closed princekhunt closed 2 weeks ago

princekhunt commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug On chat page, When user has not typed any message, user is able to click on send button, and falls into infinite loading.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to chatting page
  2. Do not type any message
  3. Click on send button
  4. See, you'll see button loading infinitely.

Expected behavior A send button should be disabled until user type any message.


sudarshankakde commented 2 weeks ago

make input field required and it's done!

sudarshankakde commented 2 weeks ago

make input field required and it's done!

also input filed should be textarea instead of normal input filed as message can be long

snipher-marube commented 2 weeks ago

assign this to me is not already fixed

princekhunt commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, it's fixed.