princekhunt / privateping

PrivatePing is a secure messaging application built on Python's Django framework, providing end-to-end encryption for messages exchanged between users.
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Is there any way to blur the whole webpage, while user moves focus away ? #26

Closed princekhunt closed 2 weeks ago

princekhunt commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. We're trying to make the chat webpage screenshot proof, It is hard but exploring options.

Describe the solution you'd like We can use javascript, which blurs the page when user moves focus. and unblur when focused on page.

sudarshankakde commented 2 weeks ago

I can work on it!!

princekhunt commented 2 weeks ago

Could you explain approach first ?

  1. How will you do it?
  2. Which pages will be affected?
  3. Will other components be affected negatively ?
sudarshankakde commented 2 weeks ago

so I plan to add js and use the visibility change event to add a class to the webpage (we can add this class directly to body or specifically to the main class where all chats are). I can Disable the Print Screen (Not Foolproof) functionality for screenshots, which will be done by adding some CSS only. overall base.html will be edited and there will be no negative affects.

princekhunt commented 2 weeks ago

visibilitychange works, when another app, other than browser is opened?

I checked, it works while another tab is opened, but not sure about the another app.

sudarshankakde commented 2 weeks ago

there are other events such as "blur", and "focus". we can use if the chat screen is not in focus we can blur the whole chat screen and if it is in focus we will remove blur

implemented overview-

princekhunt commented 2 weeks ago

That's exactly what's required.

sudarshankakde commented 2 weeks ago

and here I disable the print screen functionality.

if every thing is fine for you I can create pull request right now!

princekhunt commented 2 weeks ago

and here I disable the print screen functionality.


if every thing is fine for you I can create pull request right now!

at 0:09 in this video, toast is also shown and message in back as well, maybe blur event didn't collaborate properly.

Blur event issue
sudarshankakde commented 2 weeks ago

let me check and fix it!

sudarshankakde commented 2 weeks ago

done by my side

should I create a pull request?

princekhunt commented 2 weeks ago

Okay, create PR. let me test from my end.

sudarshankakde commented 2 weeks ago


sudarshankakde commented 2 weeks ago

Will you merge it so that i will be open to create pull requests for other assigned issues.

princekhunt commented 2 weeks ago

I think you forgot to make PR. you pushed changes to your repo.

kindly create the pr.

princekhunt commented 2 weeks ago

Merged to main.