princekhunt / privateping

PrivatePing is a secure messaging application built on Python's Django framework, providing end-to-end encryption for messages exchanged between users.
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[Creating UI for Mobile] Show Chat Screen When Clicking on Friend's Name #28

Open princekhunt opened 2 weeks ago

princekhunt commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug On mobile devices, the chat screen is not responsive. When a user clicks on a friend's name to start a chat, the chat area does not appear.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Switch to mobile-version branch, and clone.
  2. Setup and run the project.
  3. Open browser in full screen
  4. Add friend, and accept friend request
  5. decrease the resolution to a mobile-like view.

Expected behavior

  1. On mobile, the left side menu and the chat area on the (moves to /waiting-room?user=exampleuser), the side menu on the left should be fully hidden, and the waiting area should be displayed on the screen.

  2. Similarly, when the chat screen is active (/chat/exampleuser), the left side menu should be hidden, and the chat screen should be fully visible.


mobile privateping