princenyeche / S2C

A server to cloud transfer of attachments using REST API.This scripts helps to transfer attachments securely from a Jira server instance to Jira cloud instance
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Getting: KeyError: 'attachment' #2

Open anggegavino17 opened 2 weeks ago

anggegavino17 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Prince,

First of all, thank you for this code. I have tested it on a test project and it is working fine. However, on a specific project with thousands of issues, I keep on getting : KeyError: 'attachment'

I checked my permission on the project on both Server and Cloud already. Do you know the possible reason for this? Thank you

princenyeche commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @anggegavino17

This behaviour occurs because the attachment key in the payload isn't present in an issue that's supposed to have an attachment. You can fix it using the code below to get all the project attachments.

CONFIG = json.load(open("config.json")) LOGIN.api = False # if on a Server environment LOGIN(**CONFIG)

if name == "main": jql = 'project = "ABC" AND attachments is NOT EMPTY ORDER BY created DESC' count = 0 jira_issue = LOGIN.get(endpoint.search_issues_jql(query=jql)) attach_list = [] total = 0

def issue_pull():
    global count, jira_issue, total
    while True:
        if jira_issue.status_code < 300:
            issues = jira_issue.json()
            total = issues["total"]
            for issue in issues["issues"]:
                keys = issue["key"]
                attach_names = "attachment_{}.csv".format(
                    query="key = '{}'".format(keys),
        count += 50
        jira_issue = LOGIN.get(
            endpoint.search_issues_jql(query=jql, start_at=count)
        if count > total:


reader = file_reader("Attachment",
headers = reader[0]
counter = 0
del reader[0]
for row in reader:
    if row[4].startswith("Total Size"):
        del reader[counter]
    counter += 1

anggegavino17 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Prince,

I didn't thought that you will really respond on this. Thankfully you seem to be an active user here.

Did I understand it correctly that I need to add 2 files?

  1. json file for the server credentials
  2. py for getting server attachments

Once done, do I need to run 2 python scripts?

  1. py for getting server attachments (one you have just provided)
  2. afterwards, the original attachment_transfer script to transfer to cloud
anggegavino17 commented 2 weeks ago

Additionally, Here's the current setup I have: image

config.json - contains the:

{ "user": "youremail", #is this supposed to be username "password": "yourpassword", "url": "<serverurl>" }

then - contains the python script you have added above.

When I run python I am getting: OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\S2C-main - ABC\Attachment\attachment_2024-06-22 05:51:04.280937.csv'

princenyeche commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @anggegavino17

The login arguments are correct.

I believe that error is referring to your file path. It seems as though it is not valid. I believe it could be because of this space "S2C-main - ABC". Can you make sure that folder doesn't have any space characters?

To your other questions: After you get this data, edit the original Python script to just move the attachment to the destination site. You don't need to run the extraction again. That is, you should comment out the part that runs the extraction.

anggegavino17 commented 1 week ago

Thanks @princenyeche

Looks like the issue was due to the fact that windows doesn't allow a filename with ':' So the filename with date and time just had to be reformatted to use '-' instead.

I tried to extract now attachments from a project with 12k issues having attachments. It run for around 5 hours and ended with max retries error / remote disconnected. So I'm planning to narrow down the JQL even further and do it by batch instead. Hopefully it will work that way.

Thanks for all your help in this issue