princeton-nlp / LLM-Shearing

[ICLR 2024] Sheared LLaMA: Accelerating Language Model Pre-training via Structured Pruning
MIT License
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wiki proportion finally dominates at the end of the pruning stage #36

Closed lippman1125 closed 8 months ago

lippman1125 commented 9 months ago


the script of pruning as follow:

# Specify $PROJ_DIR in scripts/ and scripts/ if using slurm


from_model=7b # source model size
to_model=3b # target model size

# data setup

# basic setup

# learning setup
lr=1e-4 # learning rate for the main parameters
# max_duration=3200ba # 0.42B tokens
# save_interval=3200ba # save in the end
# t_warmup=320ba # 10% learning rate warmup 

max_duration=3000ba # 0.39B tokens
save_interval=3000ba # save in the end
t_warmup=300ba # 10% learning rate warmup 

# dynamic loading setup
set_names=[cc,github,book,stackexchange,wiki,arxiv,c4-rp] # domain names
proportion=[0.67,0.045,0.045,0.02,0.045,0.025,0.15] # initial proportion of RP, make sure that the sum(proportion) = 1
# doremi: update weights with exponential descent
# constant: keep the weights constant
if [[ $to_model == 1.3b ]]; then
    target_loss=[1.9643,0.7459,2.1393,1.6117,1.7590,1.4449,2.1251] # 1.3b predicted loss from scaling law
    target_loss=[1.8712,0.6883,2.0325,1.5353,1.6297,1.3560,2.0328] # 2.7b predicted loss from scaling law
eval_split_name=../eval/eval_merge # eval on all domains
eval_target_model=false # evaluate on the current model, not the target model, otherwise the loss will be inaccurate
eval_interval=50ba # eval every 50 batches and update the loading proportion

# pruning setup
lag_lr=1.0 # learning rate or l0_module
lagr_warmup=640ba # 20% sparsity warmup
if [[ $to_model == 1.3b ]]; then
    target_d_model=2048; target_n_heads=16; target_n_layers=24; target_intermediate_size=5504
elif [[ $to_model == 3b ]]; then
    target_d_model=2560; target_n_heads=20; target_n_layers=32; target_intermediate_size=6912

# save directroy
wandb_dir=${save_dir} # save locally

if [[ $test == True ]]; then t=00-01:00:00; else t=01-00:00:00; fi

# Run in bash, it will automatically use resources available in the current environment
# composer $TRAIN_SCRIPT \

# Run with slurm    
# sbatch -p cli \
#     --job-name ${run_name} \
#     --nodes=4 \
#     --gpus-per-node=2 \
#     --mem=512gb \
#     --cpus-per-task=8 \
#     --time $t \
composer $TRAIN_SCRIPT \
    $config_file \
    run_name=${run_name} \
    data_local=${data_local} \
    eval_loader.dataset.split=${eval_split_name} \
    global_train_batch_size=${global_train_batch_size} \
    device_train_microbatch_size=${device_train_microbatch_size} \
    device_eval_batch_size=${device_eval_batch_size} \
    max_seq_len=${max_seq_len} \
    max_duration=${max_duration} \
    eval_first=false \
    scheduler.t_warmup=${t_warmup} \
    save_folder=${save_dir} \
    loggers.wandb.init_kwargs.dir=${wandb_dir} \
    eval_interval=${eval_interval} \
    save_interval=${save_interval} \${lr} \
    optimizer.lag_lr=${lag_lr} \
    model.path=${path} \
    model.l0_module.lagrangian_warmup_steps=${lagr_warmup} \
    model.l0_module.pruning_modules='[head,intermediate,layer,hidden]' \
    model.l0_module.eval_target_model=${eval_target_model} \
    model.l0_module.target_model.d_model=${target_d_model} \
    model.l0_module.target_model.n_heads=${target_n_heads} \
    model.l0_module.target_model.n_layers=${target_n_layers} \
    model.l0_module.target_model.intermediate_size=${target_intermediate_size} \
    callbacks.data_loading.dynamic=${dynamic} \
    callbacks.data_loading.set_names=${set_names} \
    callbacks.data_loading.proportion=${proportion} \
    callbacks.data_loading.update_type=${update_type} \
    callbacks.data_loading.target_loss=${target_loss} \
    train_loader.num_workers=0 \
    train_loader.prefetch_factor=null \
    train_loader.persistent_workers=false \
xiamengzhou commented 9 months ago

@wangfei-2019 has encountered the same problem. I was helping debug with it but didn't identify the issue yet. Some users have reproduced the experiments without meeting this issue though, so I am also very confused. Will keep you updated once we have more findings about it!

xiamengzhou commented 9 months ago

I reran the experiments with my data, and got a curve as this: So I think what you are seeing should mostly be a data problem, though I am not exactly sure why that happens... I will upload my data as soon as I can!

lippman1125 commented 9 months ago

@xiamengzhou Thanks for your reply. I found that the wiki is encoded in UTF-8. Should I decode the wiki to text before feeding it into the tokenizer?

WangFei-2019 commented 8 months ago

@lippman1125 We have successfully resolved this problem by splitting the Wiki dataset into smaller subfiles and recalculating the reference loss. It is possible that the issue stemmed from inadequate randomness in the data sampling process. Additionally, inconsistencies between the reference loss and the test dataset could also play a role in contributing to this problem.

lippman1125 commented 8 months ago

@WangFei-2019 I split the Wiki dataset into 100 subfiles. Is it enough? Another question: How many sentences did you select for evaluation? The paper said that 500 sentences are enough. Could you share your wiki processing code with me? If it's possible, I would really appreciate it.

lippman1125 commented 8 months ago

@WangFei-2019 Ok. I will have a try. It looks like recalculating the reference loss is a key solution.