princeton-vl / DROID-SLAM

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RGB-D Input #45

Closed felipesce closed 2 years ago

felipesce commented 2 years ago

Hey there!

I'm trying to use DROIDSLAM with RGBD input.

I noticed that the track function in accepts depth as an input, but no info on the correct format, or if something more must be done.

This is my new image_stream function: `def image_stream(imagedir, depthdir, calib, stride): calib = np.loadtxt(calib, delimiter=" ") fx, fy, cx, cy = calib[:4]

K = np.eye(3)
K[0,0] = fx
K[0,2] = cx
K[1,1] = fy
K[1,2] = cy

image_list = sorted(os.listdir(imagedir))[::stride]
depth_list = sorted(os.listdir(depthdir))[::stride]

for t, (imfile,dfile) in enumerate(zip(image_list,depth_list)):
    image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(imagedir, imfile))
    depth = cv2.imread(os.path.join(depthdir, dfile),-1)

    if len(calib) > 4:
        image = cv2.undistort(image, K, calib[4:])

    h0, w0, _ = image.shape
    h1 = int(h0 * np.sqrt((384 * 512) / (h0 * w0)))
    w1 = int(w0 * np.sqrt((384 * 512) / (h0 * w0)))

    image = cv2.resize(image, (w1, h1))
    image = image[:h1-h1%8, :w1-w1%8]
    image = torch.as_tensor(image).permute(2, 0, 1)

    depth = cv2.resize(depth, (w1, h1))
    depth = depth[:h1-h1%8, :w1-w1%8]
    depth = torch.as_tensor(depth)

    intrinsics = torch.as_tensor([fx, fy, cx, cy])
    intrinsics[0::2] *= (w1 / w0)
    intrinsics[1::2] *= (h1 / h0)

    yield t, image[None], depth[None], intrinsics`

This is my current error:

RuntimeError: expand(torch.FloatTensor{[0, 41, 584]}, size=[41, 73]): the number of sizes provided (2) must be greater or equal to the number of dimensions in the tensor (3)

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated, thanks for this amazing software.

Javier12 commented 2 years ago

Same issue here

xiehousen commented 2 years ago

Try this :

        depth = torch.as_tensor(depth)
        depth = F.interpolate(depth[None,None], (h1, w1)).squeeze()
        depth = depth[:h1-h1%8, :w1-w1%8]
         yield t, image[None], depth, intrinsics
felipesce commented 2 years ago

Thank you! May the gods bless you with a happy and fulfilling life!

zovelsanj commented 1 year ago

Try this :

        depth = torch.as_tensor(depth)
        depth = F.interpolate(depth[None,None], (h1, w1)).squeeze()
        depth = depth[:h1-h1%8, :w1-w1%8]
         yield t, image[None], depth, intrinsics

I did the exact same thing but during the reconstruction process empty point clouds are generated. Do i need to make changes in other parts of the source code?