princeton-vl / infinigen

Infinite Photorealistic Worlds using Procedural Generation
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
5.16k stars 431 forks source link

Fail to install Infinigen as a Blender Python script #266

Open Mu-Yanchen opened 4 days ago

Mu-Yanchen commented 4 days ago

Describe the bug

Follow the instruction in, I've already installed Infinigen as a Python Module and can run basic files. Now I want to visulize the blend file in 3D blender UI, so I thought I should install the Blender Python script. But when I install the Infinigen use the commond below, I always meet a killed bug, I will appreciate it if any suggestions can

# Normal install (includes CPU Terrain, and CUDA Terrain if available)
bash scripts/install/

Steps to Reproduce

What version of the code were you using?

git log commit fb7991e06580639202a4687937082cb63e931eb0 (HEAD -> main, tag: v1.4.0, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Merge: 4c13cdea e9ce81ac Author: pvl-bot Date: Tue Jun 18 00:38:31 2024 -0700

Merge pull request #258 from princeton-vl/develop

v1.4.0 - Preliminary release of Infinigen Indoors

commit e9ce81acc6b25d7bfbb5522bc75f97e90edd3228 (origin/develop) Author: pvl-bot Date: Mon Jun 17 23:51:41 2024 -0700

v1.4.0 - Preliminary release of Infinigen Indoors

What command did you run?

I have completed the process for installing Infinigen as a Python Module and the use the following command

bash scripts/install/

What are your FULL output logs?


If this is your first time running Infinigen, what are the full install logs?**

Run pip install -vv -e . > logs.txt 2>&1 and send logs.txt as an attachment. logs.txt
