princevietle / COGS121

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Milestone 5 feedback #4

Open kandarpksk opened 7 years ago

dingqixin commented 7 years ago

Team C6 - Chicas

Qixin Ding

The next feature I want to see is to categorize the items. Your new idea is to combine the "Free for Sell" from the Facebook with map visualization. However, there is a problem that there are too many items on the map, which makes the map too crowded. One way to solve this problem is to create categories for users. Users can choose what fields of items they are interested in, such as, clothing, makeup and perfume. Then, then the system will filter out all other fields of items and leave only those categories that the users care about on the map. One more feature to solve this problem is that you can change the items by time. Maybe update the items every hour.

Ruijia Cheng

The next feature I want to see is to prevent cluttered information/bubbles, have a list below the map to contain the information. Instead of putting all the information on the screen, on screen there can only be a labelled pin as index to search for information on the list

Jessica Yeung

The next feature I want to see is the ability for people to view the new posts as a list form for when the map is overpopulated with pins and according to when the posts were added and to have a notification bubble for when new posts are added. You could also consider color coding the posts by what kind of item or opportunity is being advertised and maybe shading the pins by how long it has been posted.

Marie Schneider

One thing I think would be interesting to implement in the future is being able to post a location different than your current location. Once implementing the posting feature, it may be beneficial for users to be able to make posts other than their current location or other than the current time they are posting. This way it could give other users a bit more of an advanced notice. As well, if not using a current location, it may be beneficial to have a notes section where the poster can give details about where they will specifically be, what they are wearing etc.

streddy commented 7 years ago

Team C5: JSOT

Sanjeev: The next feature I want to see is a marker showing the user's current location. It would also be nice for the interface to be fleshed out a little bit more (maybe by adding some colors, icons, etc). When the user clicks on a company marker, it might be a good idea for the InfoWindow to show some pictures of the office, starting salary, and the company logo.

Todd: The next feature I want to see is having at least a general template of what it should look like and to have a more populated site. Essentially it be nice to see more features and more functionaliy for next time.

Albert: The idea seems to be OK, but I would like to see a list of available things in my area in addition to the pins. In addition, categories for different types of things.

Alex: The next feature I want to see is filtering out different types of internships. I would assume that your app would contain internships that would cater to many different types of majors. I would be nice to be able these internships into different categories.