Open sherif7810 opened 5 years ago
Reducing thresholds adds red dots to output with the runtime of demo increased a lot.
It seems that model is underfitting but not overfitting. The loss should be smaller than 0.1. For small dataset overfit, you can try smaller learning rate and training more epochs.
Do you know a configuration (Number of samples, batch size, epochs, learning rate, etc) that is guaranteed to overfit successfully? I can't increase batch size to 4.
Re-downloading the repository fixed the issue. It seems I broke something.
You can close the issue. Thanks for help.
@dongzhi0312 这个地方代码中有点小问题,在demo.py里面这个部分,这了predict和gt使用了相同的coutour变量,其实下面那张图片应该是使用meta变量中的坐标点的,你发的这张图片的上下两个应该都是predict,我会在接下来的版本中改正~
把这段代码改写成下面这样,解决了图像重复一次的问题 中的85 86 行注释,88行改为 cv2.imwrite(path, predict_vis) 解决了图像重复的问题。图像重复问题由 86的 np.concatenate() 造成的。
What is the best training configuration for generalization on test set? This is with batch size of 2: Blue: Training. Red: Testing.
I over-fit on a small sample of TotalText, until I got a loss of about 0.1 in 6 images, but the demo file with the trained checkpoint doesn't show any contours.