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Document UML template standard and integration #13

Closed aubertc closed 3 weeks ago

aubertc commented 1 month ago

The changes implemented with should be added to the documentation and explained.

aubertc commented 1 month ago

Actually since mermaid supports class diagrams, and since both quartz and pandoc (with a filter) supports mermaid, we may want to switch to this formalism instead of doing "table in text format".

aubertc commented 1 month ago

Ok, thinking out loud: processing this file

with pandoc -t html -F mermaid-filter -o something.html gives a html file

<p><img src="TEST.png" title="fig:" alt="TEST" /></p>

and the TEST.png image attached. TEST

removing loc=. from the .md file and processing it with

export MERMAID_FILTER_CAPTION=$(sed -e '1d;$d;/classDiagram/d' && pandoc -t html -F mermaid-filter -o something.html 

gives a cleaner html file (with the image embedded as a svg as a uri-data):

title="fig:" alt="class ClassName {
    -attribute : type
    +SetAttribute(attributeParameter: type) void
    +GetAttribute() type
    +Method(paramName: type) type 

but there are two issues with that:

  1. The "title" attribute is messed up, and I don't know why or how to fix that,
  2. the alt attribute is set with an environment variable, meaning we won't be able to set more than one such variable per document (which is very strange).
aubertc commented 1 month ago

Ok, what we could do is generate the .md first, using

export MERMAID_FILTER_CAPTION=$(sed -e '1d;$d;/classDiagram/d' && pandoc -F mermaid-filter -o -fmarkdown-implicit_figures

and then use that file. Using -fmarkdown-implicit_figures when using that file remove the (useless?) caption, but still messes up the figure's title.

aubertc commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, it has been implemented:

and documented: