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[WARNING] Could not convert TeX math #33

Open aubertc opened 3 weeks ago

aubertc commented 3 weeks ago

There are currently a couple of strange warnings:

2024-06-12T00:52:00.0594156Z [WARNING] Could not convert TeX math ", its width is {myRectangle.GetWidth()}.");
2024-06-12T00:52:01.4742050Z [WARNING] Could not convert TeX math "'C' is represented as {intVar}");
2024-06-12T00:52:02.5159778Z [WARNING] Could not convert TeX math "{n} is a ... number");
2024-06-12T00:52:02.7029883Z [WARNING] Could not convert TeX math "The average is {(double) total / i}");
2024-06-12T00:52:04.0809387Z [WARNING] Could not convert TeX math "The total is {total}");
2024-06-12T00:52:04.8464279Z [WARNING] Could not convert TeX math "The value entered was an integer: {intVar}");
2024-06-12T00:52:09.9377294Z [WARNING] Could not convert TeX math ", rendering as TeX:
2024-06-12T00:52:14.0355249Z [WARNING] Could not convert TeX math "{x} divided by {y} is {(double) x / y}");
2024-06-12T00:52:18.9874184Z [WARNING] Could not convert TeX math "Area: {myRoom.ComputeArea(false)}");

which corresponds to code block using the $ sign, like this one:

What's very strange is that pandoc should not try to parse the $ symbol in code block environments, so I am not sure how to approach this issue.