princyi / password-protected-zip-file-

This Python script creates a password-protected ZIP file using the pyzipper library. It allows you to specify the files to include in the ZIP and set a password for encryption. The resulting ZIP file requires the provided password to access its contents, providing an additional layer of security.
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Evolution of Large Language Models #16

Open princyi opened 2 months ago

princyi commented 2 months ago

The Evolution of Large Language Models (LLMs) The journey of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a story of increasing sophistication and capability. Starting from rule-based systems and progressing through various stages of machine learning and deep learning, LLMs have become adept at understanding and generating human-like text.


Evolutionary Stages

  1. Rule-Based Systems - Early models based on explicit grammatical and syntactic rules, limited and inflexible.
  2. Statistical Models - Shifted to probability-based predictions, enabling more complex language processing.
  3. Machine Learning Models - Began understanding context and patterns, but struggled with long-range dependencies.
  4. Neural Networks (RNNs and LSTMs) - Improved handling of sequences and memory, marking significant progress.
  5. transformer-Based Architectures - Introduced attention mechanisms, allowing models to weigh the importance of each part of the sentence, thus capturing intricate relationships and context.

Capabilities of Modern LLMs LLMs, particularly those based on transformer architectures, demonstrate a deep understanding of context and relationships within text. They can predict and generate text coherently, using the context from preceding text. LLMs are capable of performing complex tasks like translation, conversation, and content creation, with a nuanced understanding of language.