princyi / password-protected-zip-file-

This Python script creates a password-protected ZIP file using the pyzipper library. It allows you to specify the files to include in the ZIP and set a password for encryption. The resulting ZIP file requires the provided password to access its contents, providing an additional layer of security.
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Course - AWS Sign In and Costs #43

Open princyi opened 1 month ago

princyi commented 1 month ago

Launch the AWS Web Console In this course, Udacity offers you a federated user account, a temporary AWS user account with limited permissions. We call it a Cloud Lab. You can use the Cloud Lab for educational purposes only.

Before you begin, be sure to log out of any AWS instances you may already have running. Then click the Launch Cloud Gateway link in the bottom left navigation pane to access the Cloud Lab. Clicking on the button will open up a pop-up, and clicking on the Open Cloud Console button in the pop-up will open the AWS console in a new browser tab. This may take a few moments to load the first time. See a brief video below for a walkthrough.

Ensure that you do not have a pop-up blocker installed; it may prevent the new tab from launching. Please be sure to allow pop-ups from Udacity.

Click on the Launch Cloud Gateway button and launch the AWS console. Click on the Launch Cloud Gateway button and launch the AWS console.

As you are given a temporary AWS user account with limited permissions, you might not be able to avail all AWS services. We have allowed the necessary ones only. If you see a few warning messages related to insufficient permissions, you can ignore them and proceed with your practice.

Important Points to Remember

  1. Session Limit Note that there is a certain session time limit. If reached, you will automatically be timed out. As long as you have not used your entire allocated budget, your work will be saved. You can re-launch using the same "Launch Cloud Gateway" button in the left navigation menu to return to your session.

  2. Default AWS Region The default AWS region for you will be US East (N. Virginia) (us-east-1 ). In case you need more than one region for your work you can use us-east-2, us-west-1 or us-west-2. Note: You would not have permissions to access regions other than us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, and us-west-2.

  3. Budget All AWS services are a pay-as-you-go service. Udacity has set a budget for each student to complete their course work. Please understand that these credits are limited and available for you to use judiciously. The budget for this entire course is $25. Although, we find about $10 sufficient for most to complete this course.

If you hit your budget, your session will time out and your work will be lost and unrecoverable.

  1. No Extra Credits We recommend you shut down/delete every AWS resource (e.g., EC2, Sagemaker, Database, EMR, CloudFormation) immediately after the usage or if you are stepping away for a few hours. Otherwise, you will run out of your allocated budget.

Udacity will not provide additional credits. In case you exhaust your credits:

You will lose your progress on the AWS console.

You will have to use your personal AWS account to finish the remaining ND.

Specifically, any service available to you @$0.1/hour or higher should be monitored closely and shut down immediately after use or if you are stepping away. Otherwise, most likely you will exhaust your credits before finishing the course.

To better understand pricing, see the AWS Pricing(opens in a new tab) for all available services.

Check the pricing at Check the pricing at in a new tab)

  1. Track your Usage You need to make sure that you have an adequate budget available to complete your project/task. You can track your usage on the AWS web console, navigate to Billing and Cost Management > AWS Cost Explorer, and view the spending by selecting a date range. The starting date should be your date of enrollment in this course or program.

Checking costs using the AWS Cost Management Dashboard AWS Cost Management Dashboard