prisma-labs / graphql-framework-experiment

Code-First Type-Safe GraphQL Framework
MIT License
672 stars 66 forks source link

Module not found error #642

Closed emroot closed 4 years ago

emroot commented 4 years ago


dependencies": {
    "@prisma/client": "^2.0.0-beta.2",
    "@types/amazon-product-api": "^0.0.33",
    "@types/bcryptjs": "^2.4.2",
    "@types/cookie-parser": "^1.4.2",
    "@types/cors": "^2.8.6",
    "@types/ioredis": "^4.14.9",
    "@types/jsonwebtoken": "^8.3.8",
    "@types/luxon": "^1.21.0",
    "@types/passport": "^1.0.2",
    "@types/passport-google-oauth20": "^2.0.3",
    "amazon-product-api": "^0.4.4",
    "axios": "^0.19.2",
    "bcryptjs": "^2.4.3",
    "cookie-parser": "^1.4.4",
    "cors": "^2.8.5",
    "dayjs": "^1.8.23",
    "express": "^4.17.1",
    "ioredis": "^4.16.0",
    "jsonwebtoken": "^8.5.1",
    "justwatch-api": "^1.0.7",
    "luxon": "^1.22.0",
    "nexus": "^0.20.0-next.41",
    "nexus-plugin-prisma": "^0.7.0",
    "passport": "^0.4.1",
    "passport-apple": "^1.0.0",
    "passport-google-oauth": "^2.0.0",
    "passport-google-oauth20": "^2.0.0",
    "querystring": "^0.2.0",
    "simplur": "^1.1.0",
    "ts-node": "^8.6.2",
    "typescript": "^3.8.3"

Nexus Report

Somehow when I run npx nexus report I get the following error:

TypeError: Object.fromEntries is not a function
    at Object.getNexusReport (/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/nexus/dist/lib/report.js:17:30)
    at Report.parse (/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/nexus/dist/cli/commands/report.js:22:39)


image image


The real problem tho is when I run npx nexus build I get the following error:

3769 ● nexus:build Running typegen & extracting types from addToContext calls
  express:application set "x-powered-by" to true +0ms
  express:application set "etag" to 'weak' +2ms
  express:application set "etag fn" to [Function: generateETag] +1ms
  express:application set "env" to 'development' +1ms
  express:application set "query parser" to 'extended' +0ms
  express:application set "query parser fn" to [Function: parseExtendedQueryString] +0ms
  express:application set "subdomain offset" to 2 +0ms
  express:application set "trust proxy" to false +0ms
  express:application set "trust proxy fn" to [Function: trustNone] +1ms
  express:application booting in development mode +0ms
  express:application set "view" to [Function: View] +0ms
  express:application set "views" to '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/views' +0ms
  express:application set "jsonp callback name" to 'callback' +0ms
 503 ✕ app uncaughtException
       | error  { Error: Cannot find module './graphql/collection'
       |            at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:580:15)
       |            at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:506:25)
       |            at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:636:17)
       |            at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:20:18)
       |            at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/.build/index.js:23:1)
       |            at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:688:30)
       |            at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:699:10)
       |            at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:598:32)
       |            at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:537:12)
       |            at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:529:3) code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }
 761 ✕ nexus:build failed to generate artifacts
       | error  Error:
       |              Nexus artifact generation failed with exit code "1". The following stderr was captured:
       |                  null
       |            at Object.generateArtifacts (/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/nexus/src/lib/build/artifact-generation.ts:30:11)
       |            at Object.buildNexusApp (/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/nexus/src/lib/build/build.ts:86:5)

My graphql directory is under src/graphql.

jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago

Could you set LOG_LEVEL=trace, re-run build, and share the output? Looks like an issue with project layout calculation.

DerJacques commented 4 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issue. dev works fine, but build fails.

Full output:

 ✘  ~/Coding/experiments/nexus-graphql   master ●  yarn build
yarn run v1.21.1
$ nexus build
3123 ● nexus:build Running typegen & extracting types from addToContext calls
 341 ✕ app uncaughtException
       | error  Error: Cannot find module './graphql/hackernews'
       |        Require stack:
       |        - /Users/name/Coding/experiments/nexus-graphql/node_modules/.build/index.js
       |            at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:966:17)
       |            at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:859:27)
       |            at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1028:19)
       |            at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:72:18)
       |            at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/name/Coding/experiments/nexus-graphql/node_modules/.build/index.js:23:1)
       |            at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1139:30)
       |            at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1159:10)
       |            at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:988:32)
       |            at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:896:14)
       |            at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:71:12) {
       |          code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND',
       |          requireStack: [
       |            '/Users/name/Coding/experiments/nexus-graphql/node_modules/.build/index.js'
       |          ]
       |        }
 551 ✕ nexus:build failed to generate artifacts
       | error  Error:
       |              Nexus artifact generation failed with exit code "1". The following stderr was captured:
       |                  null
       |            at Object.generateArtifacts (/Users/name/Coding/experiments/nexus-graphql/node_modules/nexus/src/lib/build/artifact-generation.ts:30:11)
       |            at Object.buildNexusApp (/Users/name/Coding/experiments/nexus-graphql/node_modules/nexus/src/lib/build/build.ts:86:5)
       |            at Build.parse (/Users/name/Coding/experiments/nexus-graphql/node_modules/nexus/src/cli/commands/build.ts:32:5)
       |            at main (/Users/name/Coding/experiments/nexus-graphql/node_modules/nexus/src/cli/main.ts:86:18)
error Command failed with exit code 1.

Taking a look at /Users/name/Coding/experiments/nexus-graphql/node_modules/.build/index.js, I suspect that the relative path is the issue:

// Import the user's schema modules
// Import the user's app module

Note that package.json includes the expected ../../, but the other require's don't.

jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago


LOG_LEVEL=trace yarn build

Would be helpful

DerJacques commented 4 years ago

Of course!

 ✘  ~/Coding/sites/hackernews   master ●  LOG_LEVEL=trace yarn build
yarn run v1.21.1
$ nexus build
 734 — nexus:layout starting scan...
   1 — nexus:layout looking for app module
 279 — nexus:layout done looking for app module
 251 — nexus:layout ...completed scan
       | result  {
       |           app: { exists: true, path: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/api/app.ts' },
       |           projectRoot: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews',
       |           sourceRoot: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/api',
       |           schemaModules: [ '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/api/graphql/hackernews.ts' ],
       |           sourceRootRelative: 'api',
       |           project: { name: 'hackernews', isAnonymous: false },
       |           packageManagerType: 'npm',
       |           packageJson: {
       |             content: {
       |               name: 'hackernews',
       |               license: 'UNLICENSED',
       |               dependencies: { axios: '^0.19.2', nexus: '0.20.0-next.42', 'nexus-plugin-prisma': '^0.7.0' },
       |               scripts: { format: "npx prettier --write './**/*.{ts,md}'", dev: 'nexus dev', build: 'nexus build', start: 'node node_modules/.build' },
       |               prettier: { semi: false, singleQuote: true, trailingComma: 'all' },
       |               devDependencies: { prettier: '^2.0.4' }
       |             },
       |             path: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/package.json',
       |             dir: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews'
       |           }
       |         }
   4 — nexus:compiler config file search result  --  fileName: 'tsconfig.json'  configPath: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/tsconfig.json'  opts: { required: false }
  10 — nexus:start-module create start module
   1 — nexus:start-module created
       | content  '// GENERATED NEXUS START MODULE\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            "process.env.NEXUS_SHOULD_GENERATE_ARTIFACTS = 'true'process.env.NEXUS_DISABLE_SERVER = 'true'\n" +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            "process.env.NEXUS_STAGE = 'dev'\n" +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '// Run framework initialization side-effects\n' +
       |            '// Also, import the app for later use\n' +
       |            'const app = require("/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/nexus/dist/index.js").default\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '// Last resort error handling\n' +
       |            "process.once('uncaughtException', error => {\n" +
       |            "  app.log.fatal('uncaughtException', { error: error })\n" +
       |            '  process.exit(1)\n' +
       |            '})\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            "process.once('unhandledRejection', error => {\n" +
       |            "  app.log.fatal('unhandledRejection', { error: error })\n" +
       |            '  process.exit(1)\n' +
       |            '})\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '// package.json is needed for plugin auto-import system.\n' +
       |            '// On the Zeit Now platform, builds and dev copy source into\n' +
       |            '// new directory. Copying follows paths found in source. Give one here\n' +
       |            '// to package.json to make sure Zeit Now brings it along.\n' +
       |            "require('/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/package.json')\n" +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            "// Import the user's schema modules\n" +
       |            '        \n' +
       |            "import '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/api/graphql/hackernews'\n" +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            "// Import the user's app module\n" +
       |            'require("/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/api/app")\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '// Boot the server if the user did not already.\n' +
       |            'if (app.__state.isWasServerStartCalled === false) {\n' +
       |            '  app.server.start()\n' +
       |            "}process.env.NEXUS_DISABLE_SERVER = 'false'"
 106 — nexus:plugin loaded plugin entrypoints
       | validPlugins  [
       |                 {
       |                   packageJsonPath: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/nexus-plugin-prisma/package.json',
       |                   runtime: { module: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/nexus-plugin-prisma/dist/runtime.js', export: 'plugin' },
       |                   worktime: { module: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/nexus-plugin-prisma/dist/worktime.js', export: 'plugin' },
       |                   testtime: { module: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/nexus-plugin-prisma/dist/testtime.js', export: 'plugin' }
       |                 }
       |               ]
 551 — nexus:plugin loading worktime plugin  --  name: 'nexus-plugin-prisma'
   1 — nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma start
   0 ● nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma Running Prisma generators ...
   1 — nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma .env file found. Looked at: /Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/prisma/.env
   0 — nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma loading generators...
 345 — nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma generators loaded.
   0 — nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma generating  --  name: 'Prisma Client'  instanceName: 'prisma_client'  output: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/@prisma/client'
  79 — nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma done generating  --  name: 'Prisma Client'  instanceName: 'prisma_client'  output: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/@prisma/client'
   0 — nexus:compiler config file search result  --  fileName: 'tsconfig.json'  configPath: '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/tsconfig.json'  opts: { required: true }
   6 — nexus:compiler Create TypeScript program
1294 — nexus:build Compiling a development build for typegen
1384 — nexus:start-module create start module
   1 — nexus:start-module created
       | content  '// GENERATED NEXUS START MODULE\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            "process.env.NEXUS_SHOULD_GENERATE_ARTIFACTS = 'true'\n" +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '// Run framework initialization side-effects\n' +
       |            '// Also, import the app for later use\n' +
       |            'const app = require("nexus").default\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '// Last resort error handling\n' +
       |            "process.once('uncaughtException', error => {\n" +
       |            "  app.log.fatal('uncaughtException', { error: error })\n" +
       |            '  process.exit(1)\n' +
       |            '})\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            "process.once('unhandledRejection', error => {\n" +
       |            "  app.log.fatal('unhandledRejection', { error: error })\n" +
       |            '  process.exit(1)\n' +
       |            '})\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '// package.json is needed for plugin auto-import system.\n' +
       |            '// On the Zeit Now platform, builds and dev copy source into\n' +
       |            '// new directory. Copying follows paths found in source. Give one here\n' +
       |            '// to package.json to make sure Zeit Now brings it along.\n' +
       |            "require('../../package.json')\n" +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            "// Import the user's schema modules\n" +
       |            '        \n' +
       |            "import './graphql/hackernews'\n" +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            "// Import the user's app module\n" +
       |            'require("./app")\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '// Statically import runtime plugins for tree-shaking\n' +
       |            "import { plugin as plugin_0 } from 'nexus-plugin-prisma/dist/runtime'\n" +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '\n' +
       |            '// Boot the server if the user did not already.\n' +
       |            'if (app.__state.isWasServerStartCalled === false) {\n' +
       |            '  app.server.start()\n' +
       |            '}'
   1 — nexus:start-module Transpiling start module
  10 — nexus:build Writing start module to disk
   3 ● nexus:build Running typegen & extracting types from addToContext calls
   0 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor got app source files
       | count  3
       | files  [
       |          '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/api/app.ts',
       |          '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/services/hackernews.ts',
       |          '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/api/graphql/hackernews.ts'
       |        ]
   2 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor found call  --  text: 'addToContext'
   8 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor found call arg
       | text  '(req) => {\n' +
       |         '  return {\n' +
       |         '    hackernewsSession: {\n' +
       |         "      ssId: req.headers['hackernews-ssid'] as string,\n" +
       |         "      ssPid: req.headers['hackernews-sspid'] as string,\n" +
       |         '    },\n' +
       |         '  }\n' +
       |         '}'
   1 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor processing prop  --  name: 'hackernewsSession'
  86 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor found prop type alias symbol?  --  found: false
   1 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor found prop type symbol?  --  found: true
   0 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor finished compiler extension processing  --  contextTypeContributions: { typeImports: [], types: [ '{ hackernewsSession: { ssId: string; ssPid: string; }; }' ] }
   1 — nexus:typegen start
 486 ✕ app uncaughtException
       | error  Error: Cannot find module './graphql/hackernews'
       |        Require stack:
       |        - /Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/.build/index.js
       |            at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:966:17)
       |            at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:859:27)
       |            at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1028:19)
       |            at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:72:18)
       |            at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/.build/index.js:23:1)
       |            at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1139:30)
       |            at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1159:10)
       |            at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:988:32)
       |            at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:896:14)
       |            at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:71:12) {
       |          code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND',
       |          requireStack: [ '/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/.build/index.js' ]
       |        }
 690 ✕ nexus:build failed to generate artifacts
       | error  Error:
       |              Nexus artifact generation failed with exit code "1". The following stderr was captured:
       |                  null
       |            at Object.generateArtifacts (/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/nexus/src/lib/build/artifact-generation.ts:30:11)
       |            at Object.buildNexusApp (/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/nexus/src/lib/build/build.ts:86:5)
       |            at Build.parse (/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/nexus/src/cli/commands/build.ts:32:5)
       |            at main (/Users/name/Coding/sites/hackernews/node_modules/nexus/src/cli/main.ts:86:18)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
DerJacques commented 4 years ago

Seems I found the issue: I had a "services" folder that resided next to (but not inside) "api". It was not totally apparent to me, that ./api was the source directory.

Maybe the error message could be adjusted? I would probably also expect api to be called src or something similar, but I'm sure there's a reason why it's called api :)

jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago

Thanks @DerJacques!

Nexus special cases app.ts. The folder it is in is considered the source root. This is not mentioned in the docs, I will do so now.

Maybe the heuristic here should change. Any suggestions?

Could you share how your source tree is laid out. Seeing your tsconfig file would help.

Nexus source root and tsconfig rootDir should always agree, when they don't maybe Nexus should either clearly error or match what user has set in their tsconfig.

jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago

~I was able to repro ish by not setting sourceRoot in a tsconfig and doing:~ I was able to repro ish by:

  app.ts       <-- imports foo.ts

This led to a build failure during typegen.

Nexus considered the source root to be api/.

TS considered the source root to be ..

This led to a situation where the build output looked like this:

  index.js   <-- start module

Start module "thinks" the layout is like this:

index.js  <-- start module
jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago

I was able to trigger failure in two ways:

Explicitly Desync TS rootDir from Nexus source root

Set rootDir in tsconfig

    "rootDir": "."

Build will work but node start will fail:

node node_modules/.build
 252 ✕ app uncaughtException
       | error  Error: Cannot find module './graphql'
       |        Require stack:
       |        - /Users/jasonkuhrt/hello/node_modules/.build/index.js
       |            at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:793:17)
       |            at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:686:27)
       |            at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:848:19)
       |            at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18)
       |            at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jasonkuhrt/hello/node_modules/.build/index.js:23:1)
       |            at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:955:30)
       |            at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:991:10)
       |            at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:811:32)
       |            at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:723:14)
       |            at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1043:10) {
       |          code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND',
       |          requireStack: [ '/Users/jasonkuhrt/hello/node_modules/.build/index.js' ]
       |        }

Do something "funky" with the project layout:

  app.ts       <-- imports foo.ts

Build will fail on typegen.


In both cases the root issue is a difference between:

1. Nexus considered the source root to be `api/`. 

2. TS considered the source root to be `.`.

This led to a situation where the build output looked like this:

  index.js   <-- start module

Start module "thinks" the layout is like this:

index.js  <-- start module

In terms of solving this I am struggling on this part right now Despite setting the sourceRoot explicitly TS compilation goes by the layout of modules it finds rather than this value. I don't know how to control that yet.

A bit of investigation just now shows that to make TS error on a rootDir that doesn't contain all inputs outDir must also be set:


I confirmed that this behaviour holds for our nexus build too. This means that our programatic manipulations are not actually having the effect we think they are.

jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago

I found one way to detect invalid layouts I think.

Once a program is created we can list all the source files in the project. This reveals every TS module that is considered part of the program. Then we can look for modules that fall outside the source root as Nexus sees it. Notes:

emroot commented 4 years ago
  19 — nexus:layout done looking for app module
  20 — nexus:layout ...completed scan
       | result  { app:
       |            { exists: true,
       |              path: '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/app.ts' },
       |           projectRoot: '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend',
       |           sourceRoot: '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src',
       |           schemaModules:
       |            [ '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/collection.ts',
       |              '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/inputs.ts',
       |              '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/list.ts',
       |              '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/listItem.ts',
       |              '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/mutation.ts',
       |              '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/providerItem.ts',
       |              '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/providerItemAttribute.ts',
       |              '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/providerSearchResult.ts',
       |              '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/query.ts',
       |              '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/scalars.ts',
       |              '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/types.ts',
       |              '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/user.ts' ],
       |           sourceRootRelative: 'src',
       |           project: { name: '@catalist/backend', isAnonymous: false },
       |           packageManagerType: 'npm',
       |           packageJson:
       |            { content:
       |               { name: '@catalist/backend',
       |                 version: '1.0.0',
       |                 main: 'src/index.ts',
       |                 author: 'Emre Ozdemir<>',
       |                 license: 'MIT',
       |                 private: true,
       |                 dependencies:
       |                  { '@prisma/client': '^2.0.0-beta.2',
       |                    '@types/amazon-product-api': '^0.0.33',
       |                    '@types/bcryptjs': '^2.4.2',
       |                    '@types/cookie-parser': '^1.4.2',
       |                    '@types/cors': '^2.8.6',
       |                    '@types/ioredis': '^4.14.9',
       |                    '@types/jsonwebtoken': '^8.3.8',
       |                    '@types/luxon': '^1.21.0',
       |                    '@types/passport': '^1.0.2',
       |                    '@types/passport-google-oauth20': '^2.0.3',
       |                    'amazon-product-api': '^0.4.4',
       |                    axios: '^0.19.2',
       |                    bcryptjs: '^2.4.3',
       |                    'cookie-parser': '^1.4.4',
       |                    cors: '^2.8.5',
       |                    dayjs: '^1.8.23',
       |                    express: '^4.17.1',
       |                    ioredis: '^4.16.0',
       |                    jsonwebtoken: '^8.5.1',
       |                    'justwatch-api': '^1.0.7',
       |                    luxon: '^1.22.0',
       |                    nexus: '^0.20.0-next.41',
       |                    'nexus-plugin-prisma': '^0.7.0',
       |                    passport: '^0.4.1',
       |                    'passport-apple': '^1.0.0',
       |                    'passport-google-oauth': '^2.0.0',
       |                    'passport-google-oauth20': '^2.0.0',
       |                    querystring: '^0.2.0',
       |                    simplur: '^1.1.0',
       |                    'ts-node': '^8.6.2',
       |                    typescript: '^3.8.3' },
       |                 scripts:
       |                  { build: 'npm -s run clean && tsc',
       |                    clean: 'rm -rf dist',
       |                    'start:dev': 'nexus dev',
       |                    'start:production': 'node dist/server',
       |                    start:
       |                     'if test "$NODE_ENV" = "production" ; then yarn run start:production; else yarn run start:dev; fi' },
       |                 devDependencies:
       |                  { '@prisma/cli': '^2.0.0-beta.2',
       |                    '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin': '^2.27.0',
       |                    eslint: '^6.8.0',
       |                    'eslint-config-airbnb': '^18.1.0',
       |                    'eslint-plugin-import': '^2.20.2',
       |                    'eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y': '^6.2.3',
       |                    'eslint-plugin-react': '^7.19.0',
       |                    'eslint-plugin-react-hooks': '^3.0.0',
       |                    'graphql-cli': '^3.0.14',
       |                    nodemon: '^2.0.2',
       |                    'ts-node-dev': '^1.0.0-pre.44' } },
       |              path: '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/package.json',
       |              dir: '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend' } }
   7 — nexus:compiler config file search result
       | fileName    'tsconfig.json'
       | configPath  '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/tsconfig.json'
       | opts        { required: false }
  11 — nexus:start-module create start module
   1 — nexus:start-module created
       | content  '// GENERATED NEXUS START MODULE\n\n\n\nprocess.env.NEXUS_SHOULD_GENERATE_ARTIFACTS = \'true\'process.env.NEXUS_DISABLE_SERVER = \'true\'\n\n\nprocess.env.NEXUS_STAGE = \'dev\'\n\n\n// Run framework initialization side-effects\n// Also, import the app for later use\nconst app = require("/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/nexus/dist/index.js").default\n\n\n// Last resort error handling\nprocess.once(\'uncaughtException\', error => {\n  app.log.fatal(\'uncaughtException\', { error: error })\n  process.exit(1)\n})\n\nprocess.once(\'unhandledRejection\', error => {\n  app.log.fatal(\'unhandledRejection\', { error: error })\n  process.exit(1)\n})\n\n\n// package.json is needed for plugin auto-import system.\n// On the Zeit Now platform, builds and dev copy source into\n// new directory. Copying follows paths found in source. Give one here\n// to package.json to make sure Zeit Now brings it along.\nrequire(\'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/package.json\')\n\n\n// Import the user\'s schema modules\n        \nimport \'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/collection\'\nimport \'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/inputs\'\nimport \'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/list\'\nimport \'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/listItem\'\nimport \'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/mutation\'\nimport \'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/providerItem\'\nimport \'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/providerItemAttribute\'\nimport \'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/providerSearchResult\'\nimport \'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/query\'\nimport \'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/scalars\'\nimport \'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/types\'\nimport \'/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/user\'\n\n\n// Import the user\'s app module\nrequire("/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/app")\n\n\n// Boot the server if the user did not already.\nif (app.__state.isWasServerStartCalled === false) {\n  app.server.start()\n}process.env.NEXUS_DISABLE_SERVER = \'false\''
  prisma-client { engineConfig:
  prisma-client    { cwd: '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend',
  prisma-client      debug: false,
  prisma-client      datamodelPath:
  prisma-client       '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client/schema.prisma',
  prisma-client      prismaPath: undefined,
  prisma-client      datasources: [],
  prisma-client      generator:
  prisma-client       { name: 'client',
  prisma-client         provider: 'prisma-client-js',
  prisma-client         output:
  prisma-client          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client',
  prisma-client         binaryTargets: [Array],
  prisma-client         config: {} },
  prisma-client      showColors: false,
  prisma-client      logLevel: 'info',
  prisma-client      logQueries: true,
  prisma-client      env:
  prisma-client       { DATABASE_URL:
  prisma-client          'postgresql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost:5432/prisma?schema=public',
  prisma-client         DEBUG: '*' },
  prisma-client      flags: [] } } +0ms
 863 — nexus:plugin loaded plugin entrypoints
       | validPlugins  [ { packageJsonPath:
       |                    '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/nexus-plugin-prisma/package.json',
       |                   runtime:
       |                    { module:
       |                       '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/nexus-plugin-prisma/dist/runtime.js',
       |                      export: 'plugin' },
       |                   worktime:
       |                    { module:
       |                       '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/nexus-plugin-prisma/dist/worktime.js',
       |                      export: 'plugin' },
       |                   testtime:
       |                    { module:
       |                       '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/nexus-plugin-prisma/dist/testtime.js',
       |                      export: 'plugin' } } ]
  getos { platform: 'darwin', libssl: undefined } +0ms
 302 — nexus:plugin loading worktime plugin  --  name: 'nexus-plugin-prisma'
   0 — nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma start
   1 ● nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma Running Prisma generators ...
   0 — nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma .env file found. Looked at: /Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/.env
   0 — nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma loading generators...
  getos { platform: 'darwin', libssl: undefined } +0ms
  getos { platform: 'darwin', libssl: undefined } +1ms
(node:61796) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
  download { cachedFile:
  download    '/Users/emroot/.cache/prisma/master/2accb9c7eacdc984874eaeb63377fe705dfd3203/darwin/query-engine' } +0ms
  download { cachedFileSize: 16570608, targetFileSize: 16570608 } +1ms
  download Getting version of /Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-darwin. Result:  { command:
   '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-darwin --version',
  exitCode: 0,
  stdout: 'prisma 2accb9c7eacdc984874eaeb63377fe705dfd3203',
  stderr: '',
  all: undefined,
  failed: false,
  timedOut: false,
  isCanceled: false,
  killed: false } +17ms
  download Getting version of /Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-darwin. Result:  prisma 2accb9c7eacdc984874eaeb63377fe705dfd3203 +0ms
  download { works: true } +0ms
  download { needsToBeDownloaded: false } +0ms
  getGenerators { binaryPathsWithEngineType:
  getGenerators    { 'query-engine':
  getGenerators       { darwin:
  getGenerators          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-darwin' } } } +0ms
  engineCommands getDMMF, override prismaPath = /Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-darwin +0ms
  engineCommands getConfig, override prismaPath = /Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-darwin +41ms
  getos { platform: 'darwin', libssl: undefined } +76ms
{ prismaClientDir:
   '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client' }
  getGenerators { outputPath:
  getGenerators    '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client',
  getGenerators   generatorPath:
  getGenerators    '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client/generator-build/index.js' } +59ms
  Generator:/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client/generator-build/index.js Sending "getManifest" rpc to generator +0ms
  getGenerators Resolving based on paths to /Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client +211ms
  getos { platform: 'darwin', libssl: undefined } +214ms
  download { cachedFile:
  download    '/Users/emroot/.cache/prisma/master/2accb9c7eacdc984874eaeb63377fe705dfd3203/darwin/query-engine' } +271ms
  download { cachedFile:
  download    '/Users/emroot/.cache/prisma/master/2accb9c7eacdc984874eaeb63377fe705dfd3203/debian-openssl-1.1.x/query-engine' } +0ms
  download { cachedFileSize: 16570608, targetFileSize: 16570608 } +0ms
  download { cachedFileSize: 19893080, targetFileSize: 19893080 } +4ms
  download { needsToBeDownloaded: false } +0ms
  download Getting version of /Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-darwin. Result:  { command:
   '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-darwin --version',
  exitCode: 0,
  stdout: 'prisma 2accb9c7eacdc984874eaeb63377fe705dfd3203',
  stderr: '',
  all: undefined,
  failed: false,
  timedOut: false,
  isCanceled: false,
  killed: false } +11ms
  download Getting version of /Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-darwin. Result:  prisma 2accb9c7eacdc984874eaeb63377fe705dfd3203 +0ms
  download { works: true } +0ms
  download { needsToBeDownloaded: false } +0ms
 308 — nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma generators loaded.
   0 — nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma generating
       | name          'Prisma Client'
       | instanceName  'client'
       | output        '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client'
  Generator:/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client/generator-build/index.js Sending "generate" rpc to generator +22ms
__dirname /Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client/generator-build
2020-04-13T20:15:35.378Z generateClient makeDir: /Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client
2020-04-13T20:15:35.383Z engineCommands Getting version of /Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-darwin
2020-04-13T20:15:35.389Z engineCommands Getting version of /Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/query-engine-darwin
2020-04-13T20:15:35.401Z generateClient Getting hashes took 18ms
2020-04-13T20:15:35.402Z generateClient Skipping /Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-darwin to /Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/query-engine-darwin as both files have md5 hash prisma 2accb9c7eacdc984874eaeb63377fe705dfd3203
2020-04-13T20:15:35.402Z engineCommands Getting version of /Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-debian-openssl-1.1.x
2020-04-13T20:15:35.404Z engineCommands Getting version of /Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/query-engine-debian-openssl-1.1.x
2020-04-13T20:15:35.409Z generateClient Copying /Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/@prisma/sdk/query-engine-debian-openssl-1.1.x to /Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/query-engine-debian-openssl-1.1.x
 115 — nexus:plugin:nexus-plugin-prisma done generating
       | name          'Prisma Client'
       | instanceName  'client'
       | output        '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/@prisma/client'
   1 — nexus:compiler config file search result
       | fileName    'tsconfig.json'
       | configPath  '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/tsconfig.json'
       | opts        { required: true }
   7 — nexus:compiler Create TypeScript program
1526 — nexus:build Compiling a development build for typegen
1185 — nexus:start-module create start module
   1 — nexus:start-module created
       | content  '// GENERATED NEXUS START MODULE\n\n\n\nprocess.env.NEXUS_SHOULD_GENERATE_ARTIFACTS = \'true\'\n\n\n// Run framework initialization side-effects\n// Also, import the app for later use\nconst app = require("nexus").default\n\n\n// Last resort error handling\nprocess.once(\'uncaughtException\', error => {\n  app.log.fatal(\'uncaughtException\', { error: error })\n  process.exit(1)\n})\n\nprocess.once(\'unhandledRejection\', error => {\n  app.log.fatal(\'unhandledRejection\', { error: error })\n  process.exit(1)\n})\n\n\n// package.json is needed for plugin auto-import system.\n// On the Zeit Now platform, builds and dev copy source into\n// new directory. Copying follows paths found in source. Give one here\n// to package.json to make sure Zeit Now brings it along.\nrequire(\'../../package.json\')\n\n\n// Import the user\'s schema modules\n        \nimport \'./graphql/collection\'\nimport \'./graphql/inputs\'\nimport \'./graphql/list\'\nimport \'./graphql/listItem\'\nimport \'./graphql/mutation\'\nimport \'./graphql/providerItem\'\nimport \'./graphql/providerItemAttribute\'\nimport \'./graphql/providerSearchResult\'\nimport \'./graphql/query\'\nimport \'./graphql/scalars\'\nimport \'./graphql/types\'\nimport \'./graphql/user\'\n\n\n// Import the user\'s app module\nrequire("./app")\n\n\n// Statically import runtime plugins for tree-shaking\nimport { plugin as plugin_0 } from \'nexus-plugin-prisma/dist/runtime\'\n\n\n// Boot the server if the user did not already.\nif (app.__state.isWasServerStartCalled === false) {\n  app.server.start()\n}'
   0 — nexus:start-module Transpiling start module
   6 — nexus:build Writing start module to disk
   3 ● nexus:build Running typegen & extracting types from addToContext calls
   1 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor got app source files
       | count  62
       | files  [ '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/amazon.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/types.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/utils/authUtils.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/hooks/useAuthentication.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/middlewares/useAppleStrategy.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/middlewares/useGoogleStrategy.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/middlewares/useRefreshToken.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/app.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/redis.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/admin/providerItem.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/utils/requestUtils.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/types/AppleMusicApi.d.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/secrets/AppleMusicApiSecrets.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/utils/getAppleMusicToken.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/apis/AppleMusicApi.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/types/GoogleBookApi.d.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/apis/GoogleBooksApi.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/types/OmdbApi.d.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/secrets/OmdbApiKey.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/apis/IgdbApi.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/types/JustWatch.d.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/apis/JustWatchApi.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/secrets/TheMovieDatabaseApiKey.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/types/TheMovieDatabaseApi.d.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/secrets/ListenNotesApiKey.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/apis/ListenNotesApi.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/apis/OmdbApi.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/apis/TheMovieDatabaseApi.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/collection.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/inputs.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/types/index.d.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/list.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/types/ListenNotesApi.d.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/Types.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/utils/providerUtils.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/utils/providerItemUtils.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/listItem.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/mutation.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/providerItem.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/providerItemAttribute.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/providerSearchResult.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/query.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/scalars.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/types.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/graphql/user.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/Collection.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/Inputs.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/List.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/ListItem.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/Mutation.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/ProviderItem.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/ProviderItemAttribute.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/ProviderSearchResult.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/Query.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/Scalars.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/User.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/admin/ProviderItem.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/schema/admin/index.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/secrets/GooglePlacesApiKey.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/secrets/TrefleApiKey.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/secrets/YelpApiKey.ts',
       |          '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/src/types/Provider.ts' ]
   3 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor found call  --  text: 'addToContext'
  17 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor found call arg
       | text  'req => ({\n  auth: useAuthentication({ prisma: prismaClient, request: req }),\n  db: prismaClient,\n})'
   0 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor processing prop  --  name: 'auth'
  62 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor found prop type alias symbol?  --  found: false
  11 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor found prop type symbol?  --  found: true
   0 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor found name?  --  name: 'Promise'
   1 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor processing prop  --  name: 'db'
   0 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor found prop type alias symbol?  --  found: false
   1 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor found prop type symbol?  --  found: true
   0 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor found name?  --  name: 'PrismaClient'
  13 — nexus:add-to-context-extractor finished compiler extension processing
       | contextTypeContributions  { typeImports: [],
       |                             types:
       |                              [ '{ auth: Promise<AuthContext>; db: PrismaClient<{ log?: undefined; } | { log: ("info" | "query" | "warn")[]; }, never>; }' ] }
   1 — nexus:typegen start
  express:application set "x-powered-by" to true +0ms
  express:application set "etag" to 'weak' +1ms
  express:application set "etag fn" to [Function: generateETag] +1ms
  express:application set "env" to 'development' +0ms
  express:application set "query parser" to 'extended' +0ms
  express:application set "query parser fn" to [Function: parseExtendedQueryString] +0ms
  express:application set "subdomain offset" to 2 +0ms
  express:application set "trust proxy" to false +1ms
  express:application set "trust proxy fn" to [Function: trustNone] +0ms
  express:application booting in development mode +0ms
  express:application set "view" to [Function: View] +0ms
  express:application set "views" to '/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/views' +0ms
  express:application set "jsonp callback name" to 'callback' +0ms
 493 ✕ app uncaughtException
       | error  { Error: Cannot find module './graphql/collection'
       |            at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:580:15)
       |            at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:506:25)
       |            at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:636:17)
       |            at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:20:18)
       |            at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/emroot/code/catalist/packages/backend/node_modules/.build/index.js:23:1)
       |            at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:688:30)
       |            at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:699:10)
       |            at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:598:32)
       |            at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:537:12)
       |            at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:529:3) code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }
 644 ✕ nexus:build failed to generate artifacts
       | error  Error:
       |              Nexus artifact generation failed with exit code "1". The following stderr was captured:
       |                  null
       |            at Object.generateArtifacts (/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/nexus/src/lib/build/artifact-generation.ts:30:11)
       |            at Object.buildNexusApp (/Users/emroot/code/catalist/node_modules/nexus/src/lib/build/build.ts:86:5)

using yarn workspace

DerJacques commented 4 years ago

@jasonkuhrt I see that you have replicated both the issue and my setup perfectly. It also seems like you are knees deep in the process of finding a good solution.

Unfortunately, I don’t feel like I have a lot more to offer in this regard at the moment, but let me know in case I can provide any additional information.

jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago

Thanks @DerJacques! Yeah we took the opportunity to make Nexus work with tsconfig much better than before. We simply cannot abstract it for the time being

dodas commented 4 years ago

Should this fix usage with yarn monorepos? I am trying to run nexus build, but I am running into this error:

{"level":60,"time":1587776499155,"pid":125,"hostname":"cbd72f44fc43","path":["nexus","build"],"context":{"error":{}},"event":"failed to generate artifacts","v":1}

I am using TS path aliases with require("tsconfig-paths/register") at top of app.ts.

Any ideas? Thanks!

jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago

@dodas a new issue for your case would be most welcome. #530 is still open and hasn't be factored into our thinking yet.