prisma-labs / graphqlgen

⚙️ Generate type-safe resolvers based upon your GraphQL Schema
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Subscription types are incorrect #479

Open affanshahid opened 5 years ago

affanshahid commented 5 years ago

Given a schema:

type Subscription {
  status(acdEngineId: Int!): JobStatus!

type JobStatus {
  jobStatus: String!

and types:

export interface JobStatus {
  jobStatus: string;

The generated subscription types looks like this:

export interface Type {
    status: {
      subscribe: (
        parent: undefined,
        args: JobStatus,
        ctx: Context,
        info: GraphQLResolveInfo
      ) => AsyncIterator<JobStatus> | Promise<AsyncIterator<JobStatus>>;

Which implies that we need an AsyncIterator that yields objects of type JobStatus, that is to say:

   jobStatus: 'something'

But when I use a custom written AsyncIterator to achieve this, I get errors saying jobStatus cannot be null. What I actually need to yield is the whole data payload:

   status: {
      jobStatus: 'something'

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: I feel this is also apparent in graphql-yoga examples, we need to return the entire payload i.e:

type Counter {
   count: Int!
   countStr: String

type Subscription {
    counter: Counter!
pubsub.publish(channel, { counter: { count: count++ } })

instead of just

pubsub.publish(channel, { count: count++ })


graphqlgen: 0.6.0-rc9 OS: Windows 10