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Come up with an issue labeling scheme #1

Closed jasonkuhrt closed 4 years ago

jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago

Original effort can be found in this PR on prisma/prisma-label-sync.

Revised 1.0.0 Sketch

NOTE: This is a live sketch that will be updated inline over course of discussion

feature bug chore perf docs tests refactor question support meta

thinking ready blocked

error-handling cicd ...

duplicate invalid wontfix breaking-change ...

clarification investigation use-cases

good-first-issue help-wanted

high medium low

easy modest hard






jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago




janpio commented 4 years ago
  • maybe rename "scope" to "area" as per kubernetes and aligning with existing prisma--but this deviates from conventional commit terminology...

@prisma is not totally sure if they will keep using these - Switching to type and scope (or in general conventional commits conventions) might be in our future (depending on repo though, I think scope and area even are different things.) - so don't let you influence too much by that.

jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago

@janpio thanks for the input! Curious, for you, how would you define scope and area. The definition of scope in in conventional commit is:

A scope MUST consist of a noun describing a section of the codebase

I think terms I've spec'd above like error-handling cicd stretch this. They are not clearly parts of the codebase, but more like themes. Maybe in fact this is better suited to the term area.

janpio commented 4 years ago

Curious, for you, how would you define scope and area.

In my mind scope is connected to the code structure, and area is more a conceptual thing - or theme as you call it. For a repo like prisma/specs where code is not really a thing (but content), and we are more talking/writing about ideas and concepts, area feels better than the scope (that has this more concrete definition from conventional commits et al).

A scope MUST consist of a noun describing a section of the codebase

I think terms I've spec'd above like error-handling cicd stretch this. They are not clearly parts of the codebase, but more like themes.

Rules (like "MUST") are there to be broken, right? 🤷‍♀

I personally have a printout of the Angular (?) version of the available types next to my monitor: build, ci, docs, feat, fix, perf, refactor, style, test (and manually scribbled: chore). This tends to work for my personal projects.

Using that, you could get rid of the cicd scope by using the ci type. error-handling though I would just keep and ignore "section of the codebase" and replace with "something in the codebase" - tadaa the modified is still satisfied.

Mixing area and scope seems like unnecessary complexity in the mental model. It's hard enough to figure out which one of the types to use sometimes - and the benefit of getting it super right is pretty small.

jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago

@Weakky and I independently came to the same feeling that we can simplify the complexity labels into just easy modest and hard. Less granularity, yes. Let's try this simplified form.

While they won't be namespaced we can use coloring to help group them.

- complexity/
- 1-skateboard 2-bicycle 3-motorcycle 5-truck 8-hovercraft 13-spaceship
jasonkuhrt commented 4 years ago

Considering closed now via