prisma / p1-to-p2-upgrade-path-feedback

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Prisma 1 Upgrades #3

Open strazi opened 4 years ago

strazi commented 4 years ago

Your Prisma 1 stack

What are you building with Prisma?

I've built and maintain 3 GraphQL APIs using Prisma 1.

Which version of Prisma 1 are you running?

I am running Prisma version 1.34.

How do you access your Prisma server?

I use prisma-binding.

Are you currently using nexus-prisma (with Prisma 1)?

How many Prisma services are you running on your production Prisma server?

One service per server.

Which database (incl. version) do you use?

I am using PostgreSQL 10.

Where is your Prisma server hosted?

I host on AWS via EC2 instances.

Where is your database hosted?

My database is hosted on AWS.

Where is your API server hosted?

I have 2 APIs that use AWS Lambda, and 1 that runs in an EC2 instance.

Your upgrade plans

What's your preferred upgrade strategy?

Do you want to use the new Nexus Framework when you upgrade?

If it eases the upgrade path or helps abstract away implementation details, yes. If it's yet another layer to learn/configure on an already daunting looking migration path, no.

When do you want to upgrade?

I'm really excited to see the energy around supporting Prisma 1 projects now, but I don't yet have a plan on any of these projects. One option is to just leave them on Prisma 1 indefinitely.

The amount of work I'm seeing in the migration docs looks significant, and frankly I'm not sure I know what to expect on the other side. I understand what the selling points are, but the only way for me to pursue a migration for my clients would be an observable performance improvement, and I don't think I've seen that promised anywhere.

One of my projects has 50+ models, 170+ relation tables, and is still growing during this transition phase. Having to move all of that relation data from an auto-generated client to hand-coded resolvers doesn't feel like an upgrade yet.

A Prisma 2 migration doesn't currently seem much different than moving to a totally new framework like Hasura or Postgraphile. I acknowledge the effort being put into docs to help us along, but the actual work to move everything over feels about the same. I see a ton of effort went into introspecting non-Prisma databases, but I've maintained my project from the Graphcool console days, and now I feel left behind and looking for other options.

Thank you for this opportunity to express my concerns and opinions. As a single developer, Prisma has allowed me to build things I never thought possible, so I am truly thankful for your team's efforts.