prisma / prisma-1-cloud-feedback

Feedback for Prisma Cloud
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Heroku DB - Name is too long (maximum is 30 characters) #237

Open divyenduz opened 5 years ago

divyenduz commented 5 years ago
screen shot 2018-12-18 at 12 06 43 am

This error is very confusing as this happens with server name of 20 characters because internally Prisma cloud uses <server-name>-<10-digit-hash> to create the database name but that crosses the 30 character limit of Heroku.

This error should say 20 characters to cause less confusion or DB name can be totally auto generated to be under 30 characters.

chuckntaylor commented 5 years ago

Just hit this same little snag. Although, this must be a fairly recent issue. I'm following a tutorial series where the instructor uses a name of 24 characters without issue. However, as @divyenduz points out, anything above 20 characters currently throws this error.

divyenduz commented 5 years ago

@chuckntaylor : Yes, I think this as introduced when we solved another bug regarding global uniqueness of workspaces around Heroku. It is a regression and relatively recent.