prisma / prisma

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Cannot resolve the collation conflict between \"SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS\" and \"Latin1_General_CI_AS\" in the equal to operation #16544

Open cemcakirlar opened 1 year ago

cemcakirlar commented 1 year ago

Bug description

prisma..insert({...}) or upsert({...}) fails at database level with collation conflict. The generated sql statement is as follows.

DECLARE @generated_keys table([id] NVARCHAR(32)) INSERT INTO [pullable].[BS_Inbound] ([id],[RecId],[Notes]) OUTPUT [Inserted].[id] INTO @generated_keys VALUES (@P1,@P2,@P3) SELECT [t].[id] FROM @generated_keys AS g INNER JOIN [pullable].[BS_Inbound] AS [t] ON [t].[id] = [g].[id] WHERE @@ROWCOUNT > 0

The problem lies in this part of the generated sql statement [t].[id] = [g].[id] Eventhough the sqlserver, database and table collations are all SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, the temporary table variables column is somehow created as Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, which I myself could not figure out why.

But this is a common setup, I believe, and the solution seems to be adding collation information to the string field joins at this particular case. This approach should/may also solve other issues with collations, Maybe someone has COLLATION XX on tempdb but COLLLATION YY on a table. Testing will be required though.

[t].[id] COLLATE database_default = [g].[id] COLLATE database_default

More info as error message in console.

prisma:query ROLLBACK
Invalid `prisma_bat.bS_Inbound.upsert()` invocation in

  58 //     }
  59 // })
→ 61 const inbound = await prisma_bat.bS_Inbound.upsert(
Error occurred during query execution:
ConnectorError(ConnectorError { user_facing_error: None, kind: QueryError(TokenError { code: 468, state: 9, class: 16, message: "Cannot resolve the collation conflict between \"SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS\" and \"Latin1_General_CI_AS\" in the equal to operation.", server: "CEM-DESKTOP\\BAT", procedure: "", line: 1 }) })
    at RequestHandler.handleRequestError (D:\source\bitbucket\bilser\nx-pack-bilser\node_modules\@bilseras\bat-prisma-client\runtime\index.js:34852:13)
    at RequestHandler.handleAndLogRequestError (D:\source\bitbucket\bilser\nx-pack-bilser\node_modules\@bilseras\bat-prisma-client\runtime\index.js:34815:12)
    at RequestHandler.request (D:\source\bitbucket\bilser\nx-pack-bilser\node_modules\@bilseras\bat-prisma-client\runtime\index.js:34810:12)
    at PrismaClient._request (D:\source\bitbucket\bilser\nx-pack-bilser\node_modules\@bilseras\bat-prisma-client\runtime\index.js:35900:16)
    at action (D:\source\bitbucket\bilser\nx-pack-bilser\apps\bilser-remix-basic\app\routes\BS_Inbound\$BS_Inbound_id.tsx:61:21)      
    at Object.callRouteAction (D:\source\bitbucket\bilser\nx-pack-bilser\node_modules\@remix-run\server-runtime\dist\data.js:35:14)   
    at handleDataRequest (D:\source\bitbucket\bilser\nx-pack-bilser\node_modules\@remix-run\server-runtime\dist\server.js:116:18)     
    at requestHandler (D:\source\bitbucket\bilser\nx-pack-bilser\node_modules\@remix-run\server-runtime\dist\server.js:48:18)
    at D:\source\bitbucket\bilser\nx-pack-bilser\node_modules\@remix-run\express\dist\server.js:39:22 {
  clientVersion: '4.7.0',
  batchRequestIdx: undefined

How to reproduce

It may be hard to reproduce but a prisma client with sqlserver connection and an update({}) should suffice. It may depend on the sql servers collation settings also.

Expected behavior

The .upsert({...}) should succeed.

Prisma information

// Add your schema.prisma
model BS_Inbound {
  id                    String    @id(map: "PK_BS_Inbound") @db.VarChar(32)
  sql_label             String?   @db.NVarChar(250)
  RecId                 String    @db.Char(32)
  LastModDateTime       DateTime? @db.DateTime
  LastModBy             String?   @db.VarChar(200)
  CreatedDateTime       DateTime? @db.DateTime
  CreatedBy             String?   @db.VarChar(200)
  Path                  String?   @db.NVarChar(250)
  Status                String?   @db.NVarChar(100)
  Source                String?   @db.NVarChar(100)
  CustomerLink_RecID    String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  CustomerLink_Category String?   @db.VarChar(61)
  CustomerLink_VRecID   String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  VoxconRefId           String?   @db.NVarChar(50)
  InboundNumber         Decimal?  @db.Decimal(11, 0)
  StatusText            String?   @db.NVarChar(100)
  Status_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Source_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Phone                 String?   @db.NVarChar(50)
  FullAge               Boolean?
  MinBirthDate          DateTime? @db.DateTime
  IsFinalState          Boolean?
  Junkpressed           Boolean?
  CallDateTime          DateTime? @db.DateTime
  CalledNumber          String?   @db.VarChar(25)
  PhoneReadOnly         Boolean?
  Notes                 String?
  ParentLink_RecID      String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  ParentLink_Category   String?   @db.VarChar(61)
  ParentLink_VRecID     String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Bayi                  String?   @db.VarChar(100)
  NextRecID             String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Soru1                 String?   @db.NVarChar(400)
  Cevap1                String?   @db.NVarChar(20)
  Soru2                 String?   @db.NVarChar(400)
  Cevap2                String?   @db.NVarChar(20)
  Soru3                 String?   @db.NVarChar(400)
  Cevap3                String?   @db.NVarChar(20)
  Soru4                 String?   @db.NVarChar(400)
  Cevap4                String?   @db.NVarChar(20)
  Soru5                 String?   @db.NVarChar(400)
  Cevap5                String?   @db.NVarChar(20)
  Cevap1_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Cevap2_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Cevap3_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Cevap4_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Cevap5_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  ClosedBy              String?   @db.NVarChar(100)
  ClosedDateTime        DateTime? @db.DateTime
  ToplamSure            Decimal?  @db.Decimal(7, 2)
// Add your code using Prisma Client
const inbound = await prisma_bat.bS_Inbound.upsert({
        where: {
        create: {
            RecId: id,
        update: {
        select: {
            id: true

Environment & setup

Prisma Version

Current platform        : windows
Query Engine (Node-API) : libquery-engine 39190b250ebc338586e25e6da45e5e783bc8a635 (at ..\..\node_modules\@prisma\engines\query_engine-windows.dll.node)
Migration Engine        : migration-engine-cli 39190b250ebc338586e25e6da45e5e783bc8a635 (at ..\..\node_modules\@prisma\engines\migration-engine-windows.exe)
Introspection Engine    : introspection-core 39190b250ebc338586e25e6da45e5e783bc8a635 (at ..\..\node_modules\@prisma\engines\introspection-engine-windows.exe)
Format Binary           : prisma-fmt 39190b250ebc338586e25e6da45e5e783bc8a635 (at ..\..\node_modules\@prisma\engines\prisma-fmt-windows.exe)
Format Wasm             : @prisma/prisma-fmt-wasm 4.7.0-74.39190b250ebc338586e25e6da45e5e783bc8a635
Default Engines Hash    : 39190b250ebc338586e25e6da45e5e783bc8a635
Studio                  : 0.477.0
cemcakirlar commented 1 year ago

Similar to But I hope my issue have more information for the team to inspect. Thanks.

janpio commented 1 year ago

Internal Note: The temporary table here the user is talking about is @generated_keys that is created inside the query. Later when the query tries to join the temporary table and the source table, this fails because of a collation mismatch. Reproduction would need to figure out if this happens in a default configuration, or if collations need to be adapted in some way to trigger this. ( indeed looks like the same problem, just with different collations.)

janpio commented 1 month ago

It unfortunately does not reproduce in a default setup:

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
  provider = "sqlserver"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

model BS_Inbound {
  id                    String    @id(map: "PK_BS_Inbound") @db.VarChar(32)
  sql_label             String?   @db.NVarChar(250)
  RecId                 String    @db.Char(32)
  LastModDateTime       DateTime? @db.DateTime
  LastModBy             String?   @db.VarChar(200)
  CreatedDateTime       DateTime? @db.DateTime
  CreatedBy             String?   @db.VarChar(200)
  Path                  String?   @db.NVarChar(250)
  Status                String?   @db.NVarChar(100)
  Source                String?   @db.NVarChar(100)
  CustomerLink_RecID    String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  CustomerLink_Category String?   @db.VarChar(61)
  CustomerLink_VRecID   String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  VoxconRefId           String?   @db.NVarChar(50)
  InboundNumber         Decimal?  @db.Decimal(11, 0)
  StatusText            String?   @db.NVarChar(100)
  Status_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Source_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Phone                 String?   @db.NVarChar(50)
  FullAge               Boolean?
  MinBirthDate          DateTime? @db.DateTime
  IsFinalState          Boolean?
  Junkpressed           Boolean?
  CallDateTime          DateTime? @db.DateTime
  CalledNumber          String?   @db.VarChar(25)
  PhoneReadOnly         Boolean?
  Notes                 String?
  ParentLink_RecID      String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  ParentLink_Category   String?   @db.VarChar(61)
  ParentLink_VRecID     String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Bayi                  String?   @db.VarChar(100)
  NextRecID             String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Soru1                 String?   @db.NVarChar(400)
  Cevap1                String?   @db.NVarChar(20)
  Soru2                 String?   @db.NVarChar(400)
  Cevap2                String?   @db.NVarChar(20)
  Soru3                 String?   @db.NVarChar(400)
  Cevap3                String?   @db.NVarChar(20)
  Soru4                 String?   @db.NVarChar(400)
  Cevap4                String?   @db.NVarChar(20)
  Soru5                 String?   @db.NVarChar(400)
  Cevap5                String?   @db.NVarChar(20)
  Cevap1_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Cevap2_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Cevap3_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Cevap4_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  Cevap5_Valid          String?   @db.VarChar(32)
  ClosedBy              String?   @db.NVarChar(100)
  ClosedDateTime        DateTime? @db.DateTime
  ToplamSure            Decimal?  @db.Decimal(7, 2)
const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client')

const prisma = new PrismaClient({ log: ['query'] })

async function main() {
  const id = "foobar"
  const Notes = "This is a note for the inbound with id 'foobar'"
  const inbound = await prisma.bS_Inbound.upsert({
    where: {
    create: {
      RecId: id,
    update: {
    select: {
      id: true

  .then(async () => {
    await prisma.$disconnect()
  .catch(async (e) => {
    await prisma.$disconnect()

Runs successfully both for create and update case of the upsert():

> node .\script.js 
prisma:query BEGIN TRAN
prisma:query SELECT [dbo].[BS_Inbound].[id] FROM [dbo].[BS_Inbound] WHERE ([dbo].[BS_Inbound].[id] = @P1 AND 1=1)
prisma:query DECLARE @generated_keys table([id] NVARCHAR(32)) INSERT INTO [dbo].[BS_Inbound] ([id],[RecId],[Notes]) OUTPUT [Inserted].[id] INTO @generated_keys VALUES (@P1,@P2,@P3) SELECT [t].[id] FROM @generated_keys AS g INNER JOIN [dbo].[BS_Inbound] AS [t] ON [t].[id] = [g].[id] WHERE @@ROWCOUNT > 0
prisma:query SELECT [dbo].[BS_Inbound].[id] FROM [dbo].[BS_Inbound] WHERE [dbo].[BS_Inbound].[id] = @P1 ORDER BY 1 OFFSET @P2 ROWS FETCH NEXT @P3 ROWS ONLY
prisma:query COMMIT
> node .\script.js
prisma:query BEGIN TRAN
prisma:query SELECT [dbo].[BS_Inbound].[id] FROM [dbo].[BS_Inbound] WHERE ([dbo].[BS_Inbound].[id] = @P1 AND 1=1)
prisma:query UPDATE [dbo].[BS_Inbound] SET [Notes] = @P1 WHERE ([dbo].[BS_Inbound].[id] IN (@P2) AND ([dbo].[BS_Inbound].[id] = @P3 AND 1=1))
prisma:query SELECT [dbo].[BS_Inbound].[id] FROM [dbo].[BS_Inbound] WHERE [dbo].[BS_Inbound].[id] = @P1 ORDER BY 1 OFFSET @P2 ROWS FETCH NEXT @P3 ROWS ONLY
prisma:query COMMIT
janpio commented 1 month ago

This is the SQL to migrate the table, it also does not define a collation (similar how the DECLARE @generated_keys table ... above did not either):



-- CreateTable
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BS_Inbound] (
    [id] VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    [sql_label] NVARCHAR(250),
    [RecId] CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    [LastModDateTime] DATETIME,
    [LastModBy] VARCHAR(200),
    [CreatedDateTime] DATETIME,
    [CreatedBy] VARCHAR(200),
    [Path] NVARCHAR(250),
    [Status] NVARCHAR(100),
    [Source] NVARCHAR(100),
    [CustomerLink_RecID] VARCHAR(32),
    [CustomerLink_Category] VARCHAR(61),
    [CustomerLink_VRecID] VARCHAR(32),
    [VoxconRefId] NVARCHAR(50),
    [InboundNumber] DECIMAL(11,0),
    [StatusText] NVARCHAR(100),
    [Status_Valid] VARCHAR(32),
    [Source_Valid] VARCHAR(32),
    [Phone] NVARCHAR(50),
    [FullAge] BIT,
    [MinBirthDate] DATETIME,
    [IsFinalState] BIT,
    [Junkpressed] BIT,
    [CallDateTime] DATETIME,
    [CalledNumber] VARCHAR(25),
    [PhoneReadOnly] BIT,
    [Notes] NVARCHAR(1000),
    [ParentLink_RecID] VARCHAR(32),
    [ParentLink_Category] VARCHAR(61),
    [ParentLink_VRecID] VARCHAR(32),
    [Bayi] VARCHAR(100),
    [NextRecID] VARCHAR(32),
    [Soru1] NVARCHAR(400),
    [Cevap1] NVARCHAR(20),
    [Soru2] NVARCHAR(400),
    [Cevap2] NVARCHAR(20),
    [Soru3] NVARCHAR(400),
    [Cevap3] NVARCHAR(20),
    [Soru4] NVARCHAR(400),
    [Cevap4] NVARCHAR(20),
    [Soru5] NVARCHAR(400),
    [Cevap5] NVARCHAR(20),
    [Cevap1_Valid] VARCHAR(32),
    [Cevap2_Valid] VARCHAR(32),
    [Cevap3_Valid] VARCHAR(32),
    [Cevap4_Valid] VARCHAR(32),
    [Cevap5_Valid] VARCHAR(32),
    [ClosedBy] NVARCHAR(100),
    [ClosedDateTime] DATETIME,
    [ToplamSure] DECIMAL(7,2),





Any idea how your database can actually end up in a situation where the collation of the temporary table and the normal tables are conflicting with Prisma @cemcakirlar? I think that information will be required for us to continue here.

SevInf commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @cemcakirlar ,

Did you get a chance to have a look at my collegues comment? It'd be helpful for us to move your issue forward.

Without further information, we'll have to close this issue. Thank you 🙏