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Deployment guides #1350

Closed marktani closed 6 years ago

marktani commented 6 years ago
Ponjimon commented 6 years ago

AWS sounds good, are there plans in how to deploy it with serverless framework?

eliezedeck commented 6 years ago

Really looking forward to this.

joevo2 commented 6 years ago


danielkcz commented 6 years ago

I haven't used AWS yet, which one of the services would be most suitable for hosting graphcool server? Either way, pricing looks more than reasonable.

I have good experience with Heroku, I love their tooling and how easy is to deploy something (push to git). However, it's kinda expensive, going from $9/month once things get but more serious, eg. you need to scale with second server.

maticzav commented 6 years ago

I dont’t know whether this has already been discussed or not, but I really love Zeit’s now. It’s super simple and has free tier which is more than enough to begin with, I would say, do check it out, it’s super cool 😄.

kbrandwijk commented 6 years ago

@maticzav It's already the default deployment platform in the boilerplates!

danielkcz commented 6 years ago

@maticzav Have you also noticed that free tier means open source code? It's not like you would exposing access to the data, but still, it might be a security risk. On another side, it's a little bit cheaper than Heroku considering that for only $15 you get 10 instances of your app so it can scale nicely. However, I am missing here some cheaper step with even fewer instances, but private code. For our small team paying $15 is probably too much just to get running.

kbrandwijk commented 6 years ago

@FredyC They also have an on demand plan that might be cheaper, depending on your specific use case of course.

danielkcz commented 6 years ago

Alright, I haven't thought that On Demand is an actual plan :) That solves some issue, thanks.

A good thing about Zeit is the ease of deployment for sure. I was looking into AWS Lambda and my head was kinda spinning. Although if anyone would be able to stitch up some guide for that, it might be preferable as 12 months of free service is rather valuable for startup business :)

kbrandwijk commented 6 years ago

@FredyC regarding AWS, with Serverless, it becomes quite manageable actually. I managed to get quite a few complicated things running by just going over the Serverless getting started sections.

danielkcz commented 6 years ago

Ok, Serverless is apparently another term for AWS Lambda, so I was looking at a correct thing. Perhaps when I create an account, it will be more straightforward than just reading about it. I want to postpone that till I actually need it.

Although the general pain point might be subscriptions and if it can handle websocket triggers.

Ponjimon commented 6 years ago

@FredyC AWS Lambda is a service from Amazon, but with serverless they actually mean a framework ( that enables you to use Lambda but not only Lambda but all of AWS basically.

danielkcz commented 6 years ago

I see, so this is the guide relevant for Graphcool deployment (just top half of it). Although no mention of websocket anywhere, so that will be something to solve yet.

cameronk commented 6 years ago

Curious as to when we could see an AWS deployment guide!

maarteNNNN commented 6 years ago

I think GCP Kubernetes can be checked link here

marktani commented 6 years ago

In the meantime, we have added many deployment guides, both for Prisma Clusters as well as GraphQL Servers. You can check them here.

Feel free to create a new feature request if you are missing a specific deployment guide.

Thakns everyone for your feedback! :raised_hands:

rush-levint commented 6 years ago

My attempts to use Digital Ocean (Docker Machine) for AWS EC2 all failed. Hoping that there is an official guide on this sooner.

maticzav commented 6 years ago

@rush-levint try deploying with manual guide. Docker machine is known to fail and we are looking into it.

danielkcz commented 6 years ago

@rush-levint Check out my "guide" for EC2, it's also based on Docker Machine guide and it worked out for me just fine.

chanlito commented 6 years ago

Any guide to deploy with ?

maticzav commented 6 years ago

@chanlito check this out

veksen commented 6 years ago

I very much think this issue should be reopened as the guides are out of dates, and not seem to be feature complete (a few of us are failing to follow the step-by-step with random errors). Running Prisma locally is cool and all, but ultimately it needs to be deployed.

marktani commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @veksen, we're keeping a list of outdated resources that we'll update soon here #2314.