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Introspection > Prisma Schema, mapping level #149

Closed matthewmueller closed 4 years ago

matthewmueller commented 5 years ago

This is a brain dump on how I think we should improve this workflow and include capabilities. This will be slightly lengthy, but I'm opting for a complete workflow rather than showing slices.

Given the following blog schema:

SQL Schema for Postgres ```sql create extension if not exists citext; create table if not exists blogs ( id serial primary key not null, website text not null unique, created_at timestamp not null default now() ); create table if not exists users ( id serial primary key not null, email citext not null unique, location point not null, first_name text not null, last_name text not null, created_at timestamp not null default now() ); create table if not exists posts ( id serial primary key not null, blog_id int references blogs (id) on delete cascade on update cascade, author_id int references users (id) on delete cascade on update cascade, title text not null, created_at timestamp not null default now() ); create table if not exists comments ( id serial primary key not null, post_id int references posts (id) on delete cascade on update cascade, comment text not null, created_at timestamp not null default now() ); ```

A couple things to note about the SQL schema:

If I run prisma2 init and go through the init flow, I end up with a Prisma Schema like this:

Our current prisma schema after introspection ```groovy generator photon { provider = "photonjs" } datasource db { provider = "postgresql" url = "postgresql://m@localhost:5432/prisma-blog?schema=public" } model Blog { id Int @id createdAt DateTime @map("created_at") posts Post[] website String @unique @@map("blogs") } model Comment { id Int @id comment String createdAt DateTime @map("created_at") post Post? @map("post_id") @@map("comments") } model Migrate { version Int @id @@map("migrate") } model Post { id Int @id author User? @map("author_id") blog Blog? @map("blog_id") comments Comment[] createdAt DateTime @map("created_at") title String @@map("posts") } model User { id Int @id createdAt DateTime @map("created_at") firstName String @map("first_name") lastName String @map("last_name") posts Post[] @@map("users") } ```

1st suggestion: No mapping.

When we introspect we print out as we see it. I think this will look cleaner. This will be the default, but it can be reconfigured.

Example Prisma Schema without Mapping (disregard syntax highlighting) ```groovy generator photon { provider = "photonjs" } datasource db { provider = "postgresql" url = "postgresql://m@localhost:5432/prisma-blog?schema=public" } model blogs { id Int @id created_at DateTime posts posts[] website String @unique } model comments { id Int @id comment String created_at DateTime post_id posts? } model migrate { version Int @id } model posts { id Int @id author_id users? blog_id blogs? comments comments[] created_at DateTime title String } model users { id Int @id created_at DateTime first_name String last_name String posts posts[] } ```

2nd Suggestion retain all information from introspection

We've currently lost information. Right now our introspection flow doesn't print out users (email) or users (point). We have 2 options to retain this information. I prefer option 2.

1. Add type mapping as attributes ```groovy generator photon { provider = "photonjs" } datasource db { provider = "postgresql" url = "postgresql://m@localhost:5432/prisma-blog?schema=public" } model Blog { id Int @id createdAt DateTime @map("created_at") posts Post[] website String @unique @@map("blogs") } model Comment { id Int @id comment String createdAt DateTime @map("created_at") post Post? @map("post_id") @@map("comments") } model Migrate { version Int @id @@map("migrate") } model Post { id Int @id author User? @map("author_id") blog Blog? @map("blog_id") comments Comment[] createdAt DateTime @map("created_at") title String @@map("posts") } model User { id Int @id email String @dbType("citext") location String @dbType("point") createdAt DateTime @map("created_at") firstName String @map("first_name") lastName String @map("last_name") posts Post[] @@map("users") } ```
2. Add custom types ```groovy generator photon { provider = "photonjs" } datasource pg { provider = "postgresql" url = "postgresql://m@localhost:5432/prisma-blog?schema=public" } model Blog { id Int @id createdAt DateTime @map("created_at") posts Post[] website String @unique @@map("blogs") } model Comment { id Int @id comment String createdAt DateTime @map("created_at") post Post? @map("post_id") @@map("comments") } model Migrate { version Int @id @@map("migrate") } model Post { id Int @id author User? @map("author_id") blog Blog? @map("blog_id") comments Comment[] createdAt DateTime @map("created_at") title String @@map("posts") } model User { id Int @id email pg.Citext location pg.Point createdAt DateTime @map("created_at") firstName String @map("first_name") lastName String @map("last_name") posts Post[] @@map("users") } ```

Putting everything together, as we add capabilities, this is how I'd like to see our Prisma schema after introspecting a non-trivial Postgres database:

My proposed Prisma Schema after introspection ```groovy generator photon { provider = "photonjs" } datasource pg { provider = "postgresql" url = "postgresql://m@localhost:5432/prisma-blog?schema=public" } model blogs { id pg.Int @id created_at pg.Timestamp posts posts[] website pg.Text @unique } model comments { id pg.Int @id comment pg.Text created_at pg.Timestamp post_id posts? } model migrate { version pg.Int @id } model posts { id pg.Int @id author_id users? blog_id blogs? comments comments[] created_at pg.Timestamp title pg.Text } model users { id pg.Int @id created_at pg.Timestamp email pg.Citext location pg.Point first_name pg.Text last_name pg.Text posts posts[] } ```

Some things I don't necessarily like:

matthewmueller commented 5 years ago

cc/ @schickling @sorenbs