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Issue with many to many relations #1008

Open justinhandley opened 2 years ago

justinhandley commented 2 years ago

Bug description

"Error starting Prisma Client":{
   "message":"Get DMMF: Schema parsing - Error while interacting with query-engine-node-api library\nError code: P1012\nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:435\n   | \n434 |   notifications                    Notification[]\n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:436\n   | \n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:437\n   | \n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:438\n   | \n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:439\n   | \n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:440\n   | \n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n441 |   experienceCategories             ExperienceCategory[]\n   | \n\nValidation Error Count: 6\n\nPrisma CLI Version : 4.2.1",
   "stack":"Error: Get DMMF: Schema parsing - Error while interacting with query-engine-node-api library\nError code: P1012\nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:435\n   | \n434 |   notifications                    Notification[]\n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:436\n   | \n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:437\n   | \n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:438\n   | \n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:439\n   | \n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:440\n   | \n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n441 |   experienceCategories             ExperienceCategory[]\n   | \n\nValidation Error Count: 6\n\nPrisma CLI Version : 4.2.1\n    at /var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:137:14\n    at /var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/fp-ts@2.12.2/node_modules/fp-ts/lib/Either.js:268:52\n    at pipe (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/fp-ts@2.12.2/node_modules/fp-ts/lib/function.js:288:23)\n    at /var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:126:50\n    at (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/ts-pattern@4.0.5/node_modules/ts-pattern/dist/index.cjs:1:4927)\n    at n.e.otherwise (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/ts-pattern@4.0.5/node_modules/ts-pattern/dist/index.cjs:1:4570)\n    at getDmmfNodeAPI (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:145:6)\n    at async getDMMF (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:64:16)"
}"Error":"Error starting Prisma Client":{
   "message":"Get DMMF: Schema parsing - Error while interacting with query-engine-node-api library\nError code: P1012\nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:435\n   | \n434 |   notifications                    Notification[]\n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:436\n   | \n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:437\n   | \n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:438\n   | \n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:439\n   | \n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:440\n   | \n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n441 |   experienceCategories             ExperienceCategory[]\n   | \n\nValidation Error Count: 6\n\nPrisma CLI Version : 4.2.1",
   "stack":"Error: Get DMMF: Schema parsing - Error while interacting with query-engine-node-api library\nError code: P1012\nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:435\n   | \n434 |   notifications                    Notification[]\n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:436\n   | \n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:437\n   | \n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:438\n   | \n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:439\n   | \n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:440\n   | \n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n441 |   experienceCategories             ExperienceCategory[]\n   | \n\nValidation Error Count: 6\n\nPrisma CLI Version : 4.2.1\n    at /var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:137:14\n    at /var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/fp-ts@2.12.2/node_modules/fp-ts/lib/Either.js:268:52\n    at pipe (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/fp-ts@2.12.2/node_modules/fp-ts/lib/function.js:288:23)\n    at /var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:126:50\n    at (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/ts-pattern@4.0.5/node_modules/ts-pattern/dist/index.cjs:1:4927)\n    at n.e.otherwise (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/ts-pattern@4.0.5/node_modules/ts-pattern/dist/index.cjs:1:4570)\n    at getDmmfNodeAPI (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:145:6)\n    at async getDMMF (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:64:16)"
}"at Hs.init (https"::"1":81543)

My schema:

 notifications                    Notification[]
  friends                          User[]                          @relation("UserFriends")
  friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation("UserFriends")
  invited                          User[]                          @relation("UserInvites")
  invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation("UserInvites")
  blocked                          User[]                          @relation("UserBlocked")
  blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation("UserBlocked")
  experienceCategories             ExperienceCategory[]

I think it is telling me to remove the @relation, but if I do that, and I have many many-to-many connects of the same data type to itself, how will it know which one to connect to?

Strangely, I can run Prisma Studio fine locally, just the cloud version throws this error.

How to reproduce

Expected behavior

Cloud version of prisma data browser works like local version?

Prisma information

<!-- Do not include your database credentials when sharing your Prisma schema! -->
datasource db {
  provider = "postgresql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

generator client {
  provider        = "prisma-client-js"
  binaryTargets   = ["native"]
  previewFeatures = ["fullTextSearch"]

model AppMetadata {
  id                 String   @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt          DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt          DateTime @updatedAt
  latestBuild        Int?
  lastSupportedBuild Int?

model AudioFile {
  id             String          @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt      DateTime        @default(now())
  updatedAt      DateTime        @default(now()) @updatedAt
  url            String          @unique
  streamType     StreamType?     @default(default)
  userAgent      String?
  contentType    String?
  duration       Int?
  pitchAlgorithm PitchAlgorithm?
  headers        Json?
  experienceId   String?
  background     Background[]
  soundtrack     Soundtrack?     @relation(fields: [soundtrackId], references: [id])
  soundtrackId   String?
  signal         Signal?         @relation(fields: [signalId], references: [id])
  signalId       String?
  plays          Play[]

  Experience Experience? @relation(fields: [experienceId], references: [id])
  @@index([experienceId], name: "AudioFile.experienceId_index")

model Chat {
  id           String        @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt    DateTime      @default(now())
  updatedAt    DateTime      @updatedAt
  chatMessages ChatMessage[]
  users        User[]
  readBy       User[]        @relation("Chat_ReadBy_User")

model ChatMessage {
  id                             String                        @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt                      DateTime                      @default(now())
  updatedAt                      DateTime                      @updatedAt
  message                        String?
  chatId                         String
  sentById                       String
  chat                           Chat                          @relation(fields: [chatId], references: [id])
  sentBy                         User                          @relation(fields: [sentById], references: [id])
  notification                   Notification?                 @relation("Notification_About_Message")
  userExperienceRecommendationId String?
  userExperienceRecommendation   UserExperienceRecommendation? @relation(fields: [userExperienceRecommendationId], references: [id])
  userSharedEntryId              String?
  userSharedEntry                UserSharedEntry?              @relation(fields: [userSharedEntryId], references: [id])

model Event {
  id                 String                 @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt          DateTime               @default(now())
  updatedAt          DateTime?              @updatedAt
  coverPhotoUrl      String?
  endDate            DateTime?
  description        String?
  isFullDay          Boolean?
  isRecurring        Boolean?
  locationDetails    String?
  locationType       EventLocationType?
  name               String
  parentEventId      String?
  startDate          DateTime?
  visibility         EventVisibility?
  groupId            String?
  group              Group?                 @relation("Event_BelongsTo_Group", fields: [groupId], references: [id])
  creatorId          String?
  creator            User?                  @relation("Event_BelongsTo_User", fields: [creatorId], references: [id])
  attendees          EventAttendee[]        @relation("EventAttendee_BelongsTo_Event")
  experiences        Experience[]
  recurringPatternId String?
  recurringPattern   EventRecurringPattern? @relation("EventRecurringPattern_BelongsTo_Event")
  featured           Boolean                @default(false)
  notifications      Notification[]         @relation("Notification_About_Event")

model EventRecurringPattern {
  id               String             @id @default(cuid())
  eventId          String?            @unique
  event            Event?             @relation("EventRecurringPattern_BelongsTo_Event", fields: [eventId], references: [id])
  recurringType    EventRecurringType
  maxNumOccurences Int?
  separationCount  Int?
  daysOfWeek       DayOfWeek[]

model EventAttendee {
  id          String              @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt   DateTime            @default(now())
  updatedAt   DateTime?           @updatedAt
  status      EventAttendeeStatus
  eventId     String
  attendeeId  String
  invitedById String?
  attendee    User                @relation("EventAttendee_BelongsTo_User", fields: [attendeeId], references: [id])
  event       Event               @relation("EventAttendee_BelongsTo_Event", fields: [eventId], references: [id])
  invitedBy   User?               @relation("EventAttendee_InvitedBy_User", fields: [invitedById], references: [id])

  @@unique([attendeeId, eventId])

model Experience {
  id                  String                          @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt           DateTime                        @default(now())
  updatedAt           DateTime                        @updatedAt
  title               String
  artist              String
  album               String?
  description         String?
  genre               String?
  date                DateTime?
  booleanRating       Boolean?
  starRating          Int?
  artwork             String?
  guided              Boolean?
  background          Background[]
  status              ExperienceStatus?
  groupId             String?
  guideId             String?
  numberOfRatings     Int?
  ratingValue         Int?
  recommendedInGroups GroupExperienceRecommendation[] @relation(name: "Experience_RecommendedTo_Group")
  recommendedToUser   UserExperienceRecommendation[]  @relation(name: "Experience_RecommendedTo_User")
  guide               Guide?                          @relation(fields: [guideId], references: [id])
  audios              AudioFile[]
  journalEntries      JournalEntry[]
  journeys            JourneyExperience[]
  plays               Play[]
  ratings             Rating[]
  events              Event[]
  categories          ExperienceCategory[]
  likedBy             User[]                          @relation("Experience_LikedBy_User")
  sortOrder           Int?

model ExperienceCategory {
  id          String       @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt   DateTime     @default(now())
  updatedAt   DateTime     @default(now()) @updatedAt
  title       String
  iconName    String
  iconSet     String?
  imageUrl    String
  order       Int?
  followers   User[]
  experiences Experience[]

model File {
  id        String   @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @default(now()) @updatedAt
  name      String?
  fileName  String
  size      Int?
  fileType  String?
  url       String

model Group {
  id                     String                          @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt              DateTime                        @default(now())
  updatedAt              DateTime                        @updatedAt
  name                   String
  description            String?
  coverImage             String?
  welcomeMessage         String?
  guidelines             String?
  visibility             GroupVisibility
  events                 Event[]                         @relation("Event_BelongsTo_Group")
  members                GroupMember[]                   @relation("GroupMember_BelongsTo_Group")
  posts                  Post[]
  featured               Boolean                         @default(false)
  official               Boolean                         @default(false)
  recommendedExperiences GroupExperienceRecommendation[] @relation(name: "Group_RelatedTo_Experience_Recommendation")
  sharedEntries          GroupSharedEntry[]              @relation("Group_RelatedTo_SharedEntry")
  issues                 Issue[]                         @relation("Issue_About_Group")
  Notification           Notification[]                  @relation("Notification_About_Group")

model GroupExperienceRecommendation {
  id            String     @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt     DateTime   @default(now())
  updatedAt     DateTime   @updatedAt
  experience    Experience @relation(name: "Experience_RecommendedTo_Group", fields: [experienceId], references: [id])
  experienceId  String
  group         Group      @relation(name: "Group_RelatedTo_Experience_Recommendation", fields: [groupId], references: [id])
  groupId       String
  recommendedBy User[]     @relation(name: "GroupExperience_RecommendedBy_User")
  Post          Post[]

model GroupSharedEntry {
  id        String       @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt DateTime     @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime     @updatedAt
  entry     JournalEntry @relation(name: "JournalEntry_SharedWith_Group", fields: [entryId], references: [id])
  entryId   String
  group     Group        @relation(name: "Group_RelatedTo_SharedEntry", fields: [groupId], references: [id])
  groupId   String
  Post      Post[]

model GroupMember {
  id                           String            @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt                    DateTime          @default(now())
  updatedAt                    DateTime          @updatedAt
  status                       GroupMemberStatus
  groupId                      String
  memberId                     String
  recommendedById              String?
  group                        Group             @relation("GroupMember_BelongsTo_Group", fields: [groupId], references: [id])
  member                       User              @relation("GroupMember_BelongsTo_User", fields: [memberId], references: [id])
  recommendedBy                User?             @relation("GroupMember_RecommendedBy_User", fields: [recommendedById], references: [id])
  newMessageNotifications      Boolean?          @default(true)
  recommendationsNotifications Boolean?          @default(true)
  groupEventsNotifications     Boolean?          @default(true)

  @@unique([memberId, groupId])

model Guide {
  id          String       @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt   DateTime     @default(now())
  updatedAt   DateTime     @updatedAt
  firstName   String
  lastName    String
  description String
  avatarUrl   String
  gender      Gender?
  experiences Experience[]

model Issue {
  id         String       @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt  DateTime     @default(now())
  comments   String?
  issueType  IssueType
  userId     String?
  user       User?        @relation("Issue_About_User", fields: [userId], references: [id])
  postId     String?
  post       Post?        @relation("Issue_About_Post", fields: [postId], references: [id])
  commentId  String?
  comment    PostComment? @relation("Issue_About_PostComment", fields: [commentId], references: [id])
  groupId    String?
  group      Group?       @relation("Issue_About_Group", fields: [groupId], references: [id])
  reporterId String
  reportedBy User         @relation("Issue_ReportedBy_User", fields: [reporterId], references: [id])

model JournalEntry {
  id                 String                  @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt          DateTime                @default(now())
  updatedAt          DateTime                @updatedAt
  title              String?
  content            String
  userId             String
  experienceId       String?
  experience         Experience?             @relation(fields: [experienceId], references: [id])
  creator            User                    @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
  tags               JournalTag[]
  userSharedEntries  UserSharedEntry[]       @relation("JournalEntry_SharedWith_User")
  groupSharedEntries GroupSharedEntry[]      @relation("JournalEntry_SharedWith_Group")
  visibility         JournalEntryVisibility?

  @@index([userId], name: "JournalEntry.userId_index")

model JournalTag {
  id        String         @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt DateTime       @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime       @updatedAt
  entries   JournalEntry[]
  users     User[]

model Journey {
  id          String              @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt   DateTime            @default(now())
  updatedAt   DateTime            @updatedAt
  title       String
  description String?
  experiences JourneyExperience[]
  members     User[]

model JourneyExperience {
  id           String            @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt    DateTime          @default(now())
  updatedAt    DateTime          @updatedAt
  journeyId    String
  experienceId String
  order        Int
  experience   Experience        @relation(fields: [experienceId], references: [id])
  journey      Journey           @relation(fields: [journeyId], references: [id])
  userProgress JourneyProgress[]

model JourneyProgress {
  id           String            @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt    DateTime          @default(now())
  updatedAt    DateTime          @updatedAt
  experienceId String
  userId       String
  experience   JourneyExperience @relation(fields: [experienceId], references: [id])
  user         User              @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])

model Notification {
  id               String           @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt        DateTime         @default(now())
  updatedAt        DateTime         @updatedAt
  notificationType NotificationType
  isRead           Boolean?
  messageId        String?          @unique
  message          ChatMessage?     @relation("Notification_About_Message", fields: [messageId], references: [id])
  friendId         String?
  friend           User?            @relation("Notification_About_Friend", fields: [friendId], references: [id])
  postId           String?
  post             Post?            @relation("Notification_About_Post", fields: [postId], references: [id])
  commentId        String?
  comment          PostComment?     @relation("Notification_About_PostComment", fields: [commentId], references: [id])
  groupId          String?
  group            Group?           @relation("Notification_About_Group", fields: [groupId], references: [id])
  eventId          String?
  event            Event?           @relation("Notification_About_Event", fields: [eventId], references: [id])
  toId             String
  to               User             @relation(fields: [toId], references: [id])

model Play {
  id           String      @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt    DateTime    @default(now())
  updatedAt    DateTime    @updatedAt
  audioId      String
  experienceId String?
  signalId     String?
  soundtrackId String?
  userId       String
  startTime    Float       @default(0)
  endTime      Float?
  duration     Float?
  audio        AudioFile   @relation(fields: [audioId], references: [id])
  experience   Experience? @relation(fields: [experienceId], references: [id])
  signal       Signal?     @relation(fields: [signalId], references: [id])
  soundtrack   Soundtrack? @relation(fields: [soundtrackId], references: [id])
  user         User        @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])

  @@index([audioId], name: "Play.audioId_index")
  @@index([experienceId], name: "Play.experienceId_index")
  @@index([userId], name: "Play.userId_index")

model Post {
  id                              String                         @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt                       DateTime                       @default(now())
  updatedAt                       DateTime                       @updatedAt
  title                           String?
  body                            String?
  authorId                        String
  groupId                         String
  author                          User                           @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
  group                           Group                          @relation(fields: [groupId], references: [id])
  likedBy                         User[]                         @relation(name: "Post_LikedBy_User")
  comments                        PostComment[]
  notifications                   Notification[]                 @relation("Notification_About_Post")
  groupExperienceRecommendationId String?
  groupExperienceRecommendation   GroupExperienceRecommendation? @relation(fields: [groupExperienceRecommendationId], references: [id])
  groupSharedEntryId              String?
  groupSharedEntry                GroupSharedEntry?              @relation(fields: [groupSharedEntryId], references: [id])
  issue                           Issue[]                        @relation("Issue_About_Post")
  isEdited                        Boolean?                       @default(false)

model PostComment {
  id            String         @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt     DateTime       @default(now())
  updatedAt     DateTime       @updatedAt
  comment       String
  authorId      String
  postId        String
  author        User           @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
  post          Post           @relation(fields: [postId], references: [id])
  notifications Notification[] @relation("Notification_About_PostComment")
  issues        Issue[]        @relation("Issue_About_PostComment")
  isEdited      Boolean?       @default(false)

model Rating {
  id           String     @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt    DateTime   @default(now())
  updatedAt    DateTime   @updatedAt
  userId       String
  experienceId String
  value        Int
  experience   Experience @relation(fields: [experienceId], references: [id])
  user         User       @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])

  @@index([experienceId], name: "Rating.experienceId_index")
  @@index([userId], name: "Rating.userId_index")

model Signal {
  id        String            @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt DateTime          @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime          @updatedAt
  title     String
  artwork   String?
  status    ExperienceStatus?
  audios    AudioFile[]
  sortOrder Int?
  plays     Play[]

model Soundtrack {
  id        String      @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt DateTime    @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime    @default(now()) @updatedAt
  title     String
  icon      String?
  iconSet   String?
  audios    AudioFile[]
  sortOrder Int?
  plays     Play[]

model User {
  id                               String                          @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt                        DateTime                        @default(now())
  updatedAt                        DateTime                        @default(now()) @updatedAt
  role                             Role
  developer                        Boolean                         @default(false)
  email                            String                          @unique
  username                         String                          @unique
  password                         String?
  passwordResetToken               String?
  passwordResetExpires             DateTime?
  firstName                        String?
  lastName                         String?
  bio                              String?
  avatarUrl                        String?
  coverPhotoUrl                    String?
  phone                            String?
  isSetUp                          Boolean                         @default(false)
  location                         String?
  private                          Boolean                         @default(true)
  journalEntries                   JournalEntry[]
  groups                           GroupMember[]                   @relation("GroupMember_BelongsTo_User")
  groupRecommendations             GroupMember[]                   @relation(name: "GroupMember_RecommendedBy_User")
  ExperienceRecommendationsToGroup GroupExperienceRecommendation[] @relation(name: "GroupExperience_RecommendedBy_User")
  ExperienceRecommendationsToUser  UserExperienceRecommendation[]  @relation(name: "UserExperience_RecommendedBy_User")
  recommendedExperiences           UserExperienceRecommendation[]  @relation(name: "User_RelatedTo_Experience_Recommendation")
  events                           EventAttendee[]                 @relation("EventAttendee_BelongsTo_User")
  eventInvites                     EventAttendee[]                 @relation("EventAttendee_InvitedBy_User")
  posts                            Post[]
  postComment                      PostComment[]
  chats                            Chat[]
  chatMessages                     ChatMessage[]
  notifications                    Notification[]
  friends                          User[]                          @relation("UserFriends")
  friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation("UserFriends")
  invited                          User[]                          @relation("UserInvites")
  invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation("UserInvites")
  blocked                          User[]                          @relation("UserBlocked")
  blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation("UserBlocked")
  experienceCategories             ExperienceCategory[]
  plays                            Play[]
  favorites                        Experience[]                    @relation("Experience_LikedBy_User")
  hidePreFlight                    Boolean                         @default(false)
  journeys                         Journey[]
  journeyProgress                  JourneyProgress[]
  ratings                          Rating[]
  tags                             JournalTag[]
  likedGroupPosts                  Post[]                          @relation(name: "Post_LikedBy_User")
  currentStreak                    Int?
  highStreak                       Int?
  streakLastRecorded               DateTime?
  readChats                        Chat[]                          @relation("Chat_ReadBy_User")
  notificationsAbout               Notification[]                  @relation("Notification_About_Friend")
  Event                            Event[]                         @relation("Event_BelongsTo_User")
  sharedEntries                    UserSharedEntry[]               @relation("User_RelatedTo_SharedEntry")
  issues                           Issue[]                         @relation("Issue_About_User")
  reportedIssues                   Issue[]                         @relation("Issue_ReportedBy_User")
  os                               String?

model UserExperienceRecommendation {
  id            String        @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt     DateTime      @default(now())
  updatedAt     DateTime      @updatedAt
  experience    Experience    @relation(name: "Experience_RecommendedTo_User", fields: [experienceId], references: [id])
  experienceId  String
  user          User          @relation(name: "User_RelatedTo_Experience_Recommendation", fields: [userId], references: [id])
  userId        String
  recommendedBy User[]        @relation(name: "UserExperience_RecommendedBy_User")
  ChatMessage   ChatMessage[]

model UserSharedEntry {
  id          String        @id @default(cuid())
  createdAt   DateTime      @default(now())
  updatedAt   DateTime      @updatedAt
  entry       JournalEntry  @relation(name: "JournalEntry_SharedWith_User", fields: [entryId], references: [id])
  entryId     String
  user        User          @relation(name: "User_RelatedTo_SharedEntry", fields: [userId], references: [id])
  userId      String
  ChatMessage ChatMessage[]

enum Background {

enum DayOfWeek {

enum EventAttendeeStatus {

enum EventLocationType {

enum EventRecurringType {

enum EventVisibility {

enum ExperienceStatus {

enum Gender {

enum GroupMemberStatus {

enum GroupVisibility {

enum JournalEntryVisibility {

enum NotificationType {

enum IssueType {

enum PitchAlgorithm {

enum Role {

enum StreamType {

Environment & setup

Screenshot of page where the problem happened (if applicable)

No response

Prisma logs

Studio version 0.470.0

index.js:1 Error: Error starting Prisma Client: {
  "type": "PrismaClientKnownRequestError",
  "code": "P1012",
  "message": "Get DMMF: Schema parsing - Error while interacting with query-engine-node-api library\nError code: P1012\nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:435\n   | \n434 |   notifications                    Notification[]\n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:436\n   | \n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:437\n   | \n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:438\n   | \n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:439\n   | \n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:440\n   | \n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n441 |   experienceCategories             ExperienceCategory[]\n   | \n\nValidation Error Count: 6\n\nPrisma CLI Version : 4.2.1",
  "stack": "Error: Get DMMF: Schema parsing - Error while interacting with query-engine-node-api library\nError code: P1012\nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:435\n   | \n434 |   notifications                    Notification[]\n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:436\n   | \n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:437\n   | \n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:438\n   | \n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:439\n   | \n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:440\n   | \n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n441 |   experienceCategories             ExperienceCategory[]\n   | \n\nValidation Error Count: 6\n\nPrisma CLI Version : 4.2.1\n    at /var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:137:14\n    at /var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/fp-ts@2.12.2/node_modules/fp-ts/lib/Either.js:268:52\n    at pipe (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/fp-ts@2.12.2/node_modules/fp-ts/lib/function.js:288:23)\n    at /var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:126:50\n    at (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/ts-pattern@4.0.5/node_modules/ts-pattern/dist/index.cjs:1:4927)\n    at n.e.otherwise (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/ts-pattern@4.0.5/node_modules/ts-pattern/dist/index.cjs:1:4570)\n    at getDmmfNodeAPI (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:145:6)\n    at async getDMMF (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:64:16)"
    at Hs.init (index.js:1:81543)
init @ index.js:1
index.js:1 [BootstrapStore.init] Studio bootstrap failed Object
B @ index.js:1
index.js:1 Error: Error starting Prisma Client: {
  "type": "PrismaClientKnownRequestError",
  "code": "P1012",
  "message": "Get DMMF: Schema parsing - Error while interacting with query-engine-node-api library\nError code: P1012\nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:435\n   | \n434 |   notifications                    Notification[]\n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:436\n   | \n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:437\n   | \n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:438\n   | \n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:439\n   | \n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:440\n   | \n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n441 |   experienceCategories             ExperienceCategory[]\n   | \n\nValidation Error Count: 6\n\nPrisma CLI Version : 4.2.1",
  "stack": "Error: Get DMMF: Schema parsing - Error while interacting with query-engine-node-api library\nError code: P1012\nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:435\n   | \n434 |   notifications                    Notification[]\n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:436\n   | \n435 |   friends                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:437\n   | \n436 |   friendsOf                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserFriends\", references: [id])\n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:438\n   | \n437 |   invited                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:439\n   | \n438 |   invitedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserInvites\", references: [id])\n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n   | \nerror: Error parsing attribute \"@relation\": Implicit many-to-many relation should not have references argument defined. Either remove it, or change the relation to one-to-many.\n  -->  schema.prisma:440\n   | \n439 |   blocked                          User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n440 |   blockedBy                        User[]                          @relation(\"UserBlocked\", references: [id])\n441 |   experienceCategories             ExperienceCategory[]\n   | \n\nValidation Error Count: 6\n\nPrisma CLI Version : 4.2.1\n    at /var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:137:14\n    at /var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/fp-ts@2.12.2/node_modules/fp-ts/lib/Either.js:268:52\n    at pipe (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/fp-ts@2.12.2/node_modules/fp-ts/lib/function.js:288:23)\n    at /var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:126:50\n    at (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/ts-pattern@4.0.5/node_modules/ts-pattern/dist/index.cjs:1:4927)\n    at n.e.otherwise (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/ts-pattern@4.0.5/node_modules/ts-pattern/dist/index.cjs:1:4570)\n    at getDmmfNodeAPI (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:145:6)\n    at async getDMMF (/var/task/node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+internals@4.2.1/node_modules/@prisma/internals/dist/engine-commands/getDmmf.js:64:16)"
    at Hs.init (index.js:1:81543)
B @ index.js:1
index.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) F
petradonka commented 2 years ago

Hey @justinhandley, what Prisma version are you using locally?

justinhandley commented 2 years ago


On Aug 19, 2022, at 3:54 AM, Petra Donka @.***> wrote:

Hey @justinhandley, what Prisma version are you using locally?

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janpio commented 2 years ago

Prisma is complaining that you have an implicit relationship (both sides just have [] and no explicit fields in the @relation), but are using references in @relation - which is also not valid any more in newer Prisma versions (but was before 4.x I think). Weird thing is that the schema you posted does not actually have that - but the error message does have snippets from such a schema. Can you check that your Prisma Cloud project indeed is using the same schema you have posted? You should be able to see it online when you log in.

justinhandley commented 2 years ago

Hi There,

So, this did uncover an internal issue I have to look into which is that our main branch is way behind develop. I’m not building production any more - when I did it was by pushing to Main - seems like that has changed - so sorry about that.

I created a new instance using our develop branch and it did work.

However, it seems like data browser’s default of asking for 100 records is somehow causing a database timeout - if there are only a couple of records it works, but everything with more than 100 records is timing out for me.


On Aug 19, 2022, at 7:57 PM, Jan Piotrowski @.***> wrote:

Prisma is complaining that you have an implicit relationship (both sides just have [] and no explicit fields in the @relation), but are using references in @relation - which is also not valid any more in newer Prisma versions (but was before 4.x I think). Weird thing is that the schema you posted does not actually have that - but the error message does have snippets from such a schema. Can you check that your Prisma Cloud project indeed is using the same schema you have posted? You should be able to see it online when you log in.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe You are receiving this because you were mentioned.

petradonka commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the additional info @justinhandley! Based on your local version (3.12.0) and @janpio's details about the error, I think the issue might be that your schema is not compatible with the latest Prisma version. You're using 3.12.0 locally, but Data Browser in PDP is trying to parse your schema with the latest Prisma version (4.2.1). I'd suggest to update to the latest Prisma version to make sure Data Browser can handle the schema you have. You might've done something similar already when using the state of your develop instead of main.

Regarding the performance issues with a larger number of records, I think that might be related to having a large number of relations. Does that seem possible based on the data you know you're trying to work with? If that's the case, we'll be rolling out some improvements early next week, which will hopefully fix the issue for you. If not, we can dig into it more and see what could be going on.

justinhandley commented 2 years ago

OK, thanks,


On Aug 21, 2022, at 9:44 AM, Petra Donka @.***> wrote:

Thanks for the additional info @justinhandley! Based on your local version (3.12.0) and @janpio's details about the error, I think the issue might be that your schema is not compatible with the latest Prisma version. You're using 3.12.0 locally, but Data Browser in PDP is trying to parse your schema with the latest Prisma version (4.2.1). I'd suggest to update to the latest Prisma version to make sure Data Browser can handle the schema you have. You might've done something similar already when using the state of your develop instead of main.

Regarding the performance issues with a larger number of records, I think that might be related to having a large number of relations. Does that seem possible based on the data you know you're trying to work with? If that's the case, we'll be rolling out some improvements early next week, which will hopefully fix the issue for you. If not, we can dig into it more and see what could be going on.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe You are receiving this because you were mentioned.