prismatic-io / embedded

Prismatic's library for embedding into your application.
MIT License
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Node Version Compatibility Issue with @prismatic-io/embedded #85

Closed NomanJafar closed 2 weeks ago

NomanJafar commented 1 month ago

Node Version Compatibility Issue with @prismatic-io/embedded



While running yarn add @prismatic-io/embedded, we encounter the following error:

**error jest-mock@29.7.0: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0". Got "16.9.1"
error Found incompatible module.**

We do not experience this error while installing other dependencies. I have tried removing node modules and installing all the existing dependencies but did not find any error. I installed some other new dependencies to check but did not find any issues in those. That means the issue only occurs while installing Prismatic.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set up a React project with Node.js 16.9.1.
  2. Use the attached package.json in place of package.json present in the new React project.
  3. Run yarn add @prismatic-io/embedded.

Attempts to Resolve:

Could you please clarify the Node.js versions officially supported by Prismatic and suggest any workarounds for this compatibility issue with Node.js 16.9.1?

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taylorreece commented 1 month ago

Hi @NomanJafar ,

Thanks for your note.

We officially support actively maintained versions of NodeJS. A release schedule for NodeJS is available on GitHub Node 16.x was EOL'd in September last year (though, the embedded SDK likely still works with more recent versions of 16.x).

In your case it appears that a downstream dependency (jest-mock which is pulled in via @prismatic-io/spectral) requires a NodeJS version of 16.10.0 or greater when using 16.x. Luckily, it doesn't appear that this dependency is directly referenced in from the embedded library. You have a couple of options to address this issue:

NomanJafar commented 1 month ago

Hi @taylorreece , Thanks for the help we have just upgraded the version to 16.10, and it has started to work. thank you.