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Module parse failed when used with webpack #110

Closed jsmankoo closed 8 years ago

jsmankoo commented 8 years ago

Module parse failed: /home/jsmankoo/Projects/TemplatesSinglePage/node_modules/ Line 2: Unexpected token : You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. | { | "_args": [ | [ | "", @ ./~/ 109:16-42 145:16-42

works just fine when used in Node.js

webpack Config var path = require('path'); var webpack = require('webpack'); var jeet = require('jeet'); var axis = require('axis'); var rupture = require('rupture'); var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer-stylus');

module.exports = { devtool: 'eval', entry: [ 'webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:3000', 'webpack/hot/only-dev-server', './src/index' ], output: { path: path.join(dirname, 'dist'), filename: 'bundle.js', publicPath: '/static/' }, plugins: [ new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin() ], module: { loaders: [{ test: /.js$/, loaders: ['react-hot', 'babel'], include: path.join(dirname, 'src') },{ test: /.styl$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader!stylus-loader' }] }, stylus: { use: [axis(), jeet(), rupture(), autoprefixer()] } };

mmintel commented 8 years ago

same here, any news on this?

btw: when using webpack with json-loader my import looks like this:

var Prismic = require('json!');

and I am getting that error here:

Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ;
erwan commented 8 years ago

Apparently it's added by npm, and you need the json loader:

mmintel commented 8 years ago

@erwan I've used the json loader and getting another error you can see in my last comment

erwan commented 8 years ago

@mmintel could you post a sample project that reproduces the bug so I can try it?

mmintel commented 8 years ago

@erwan sure! here it is:

levi-art-rules commented 8 years ago

@mmintel I use es6 syntax, and merely import Prismic from works fine

mmintel commented 8 years ago

@lianilu `import Prismic from ''´ throws the same error

levi-art-rules commented 8 years ago

@mmintel what's your version of node and npm?

mmintel commented 8 years ago
$ npm -v
$ node -v
levi-art-rules commented 8 years ago

@mmintel node -v 6.0.0 is not compatible with prismic. I tried that and got the err, and switched back to 5.X and worked. Sorry for the late reply.

erwan commented 8 years ago

@mmintel good to know, I'll do some testing to confirm that and fix it if needed.

erwan commented 8 years ago

@mmintel it appears prismic works with 6.0.0:

Do you have an example of code that breaks with prismic and Node 6.0.0?

mmintel commented 8 years ago

@erwan if you clone this repo here ( and run npm start you should get the error. I've only added:

var Prismic = require('json!');

to this file

The rest comes from that yeoman generator

So all that results in the following error

ERROR in ./~/json-loader!./~/
Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ; in JSON at position 12
    at Object.parse (native)
    at Object.module.exports (/Users/mmintel/Projekte/react-webpack/node_modules/json-loader/index.js:7:48)
 @ ./src/components/Main.js 26:14-40
robinpyon commented 8 years ago

@mmintel bit late but I believe this is an issue with json-loader (1, 2, 3)

I haven't investigated the above thoroughly but I was able to get your test repo working ( with the following:


var Prismic = require(''); (removed json! prefix)


Added json-loader:

preLoaders: [{
  test: /\.json$/,
  loader: 'json-loader'

Node 5.6.0 npm 3.9.0 json-loader 0.5.4 3.1.3

grahaml commented 7 years ago

using the above config helped me as well. Thank you @robinpyon.

It might be useful to layout json-loader as a dependency for this project. The examples don't show anything like that.