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ExpressJS + Promises #123

Closed azappa closed 8 years ago

azappa commented 8 years ago

I switch to async module to native Promises using babeljs. I write a simple function

const getPrismicApi = async () => { return Prismic.api(configuration.apiEndpoint); }

and I call it in my routes like

const api = await getPrismicApi();
const service = await api.query(`[[:d = at(document.type, "services")][:d = at(, "${_slug}")]]`);

Without this (old fashioned?) line

const p = prismic.withContext(req, res);

from my templates I cannot access anymore to Prismic methods like doc.getText(field)...

How can set back this funcionality??

Thank you.

azappa commented 8 years ago

Nevermind, I got solution, forgot to pass req and ctx to templates :)