Closed Klynger closed 1 year ago
This issue has been labeled as a bug since it was created using the π¨ Bug Report Template.
Hi there, thank you so much for the report!
Following our Maintenance Process, we will review your bug report and get back to you next Wednesday. To ensure a smooth review of your issue and avoid unnecessary delays, please make sure your issue includes the following:
file.If you have identified the cause of the bug described in your report and know how to fix it, you're more than welcome to open a pull request address it. Check out our quick start guide for a simple contribution process.
If you think your issue is a question (not a bug) and would like quicker support, please close this issue and forward it to an appropriate section on our community forum:
- The Prismic Open-Source Team
Hi @Klynger, sorry for the delayed response.
now supports the App Router (the app
directory). Please update to the latest version.
npm install @prismicio/next@latest
Note: Previews currently are not supported. We are working on developing a solution. A package and documentation update will be published once it is available.
Note: Previews currently are not supported. We are working on developing a solution. A package and documentation update will be published once it is available.
@angeloashmore, any expected timeframe to ship this one? As previews are an essential feature for content editors, this is blocking the nextjs and prismic related dependencies upgrade
Totally understand! We are waiting for two things:
needs to be updated to support Next.js' fetch.cache
option. This update is already in the upcoming v7 (currently in alpha, not ready to public use yet), and should be backported to v6. We will be backporting the feature to ease the upgrade process on projects already using v6.
In the meantime, previews will continue to work in the Pages Directory, even with the updated packages. We are just as eager to release the feature as you are to implement. π
Importing a function like
in a server component throws the following error:Additional Details
{ "name": "marketing-site", "version": "0.1.0", "private": true, "scripts": { "dev:next": "pnpm clean && next dev", "test": "jest", "check-deadcode": "pnpm dlx unimported", "prismic-types": "pnpm dlx prismic-ts-codegen", "lint": "eslint --quiet --fix --ext ts,tsx,js,jsx ./", "lint:pkg": "npmPkgJsonLint .", "dev:slices": "pnpm storybook & pnpm slicemachine", "clean": "pnpm dlx rimraf out .next", "prebuild": "pnpm clean", "build": "NODE_ENV=production next build", "postbuild": "next-sitemap", "build:netlify": "pnpm build && next-sitemap", "build:analyze": "ANALYZE=true pnpm build", "start": "next start", "start:netlify": "netlify dev", "scripts:updateCarriersCSV": "node scripts/updateCarriersCSV.mjs", "storybook": "start-storybook -s ./public -p 8888", "build-storybook": "build-storybook -s ./public", "type-check": "tsc --noEmit", "slicemachine": "start-slicemachine --port 9999", "prepare": "husky install" }, "volta": { "node": "16.19.0", "pnpm": "7.26.2" }, "packageManager": "pnpm@7.26.2", "lint-staged": { "*.{ts,js,tsx,jsx}": [ "eslint --fix", "prettier --write" ], "*.json": [ "prettier --write" ] }, "dependencies": { "@bugsnag/js": "7.20.0", "@bugsnag/plugin-react": "7.19.0", "@floating-ui/react": "0.16.0", "@getcircuit/colors": "1.3.1", "@getcircuit/electric-last-mile-calculator-commute": "0.1.2", "@getcircuit/electric-last-mile-calculator-delivery": "0.1.2", "@getcircuit/engine-client": "8.1.0", "@getcircuit/tailwind": "2.6.1", "@headlessui/react": "1.7.7", "@juggle/resize-observer": "3.4.0", "@prismicio/client": "6.7.3", "@prismicio/helpers": "2.3.5", "@prismicio/next": "1.0.2", "@prismicio/react": "2.5.0", "@prismicio/slice-simulator-react": "0.2.3", "@radix-ui/react-scroll-area": "0.1.3", "@radix-ui/react-tooltip": "1.0.0", "@tailwindcss/forms": "0.5.3", "@tailwindcss/typography": "0.5.9", "ariakit": "2.0.0-next.40", "axios": "1.3.1", "cheerio": "1.0.0-rc.12", "client-only": "^0.0.1", "clsx": "1.2.1", "flag-icons": "6.6.6", "follow-redirects": "1.15.2", "googleapis": "110.0.0", "http-status-codes": "2.2.0", "i18n-iso-countries": "7.5.0", "lodash.throttle": "4.1.1", "lottie-web": "5.10.2", "next": "13.1.6", "next-images": "1.8.4", "node-cache": "5.1.2", "react": "18.2.0", "react-device-detect": "2.2.2", "react-dom": "18.2.0", "react-intl": "6.2.7", "react-schemaorg": "2.0.0", "server-only": "^0.0.1", "slugify": "1.6.5" }, "devDependencies": { "@getcircuit/schema": "^0.8.88", "@getcircuit/web-utils": "1.11.6", "@kiwi/eslint-config": "2.0.4", "@kiwi/prettier-config": "2.0.4", "@netlify/plugin-nextjs": "4.30.3", "@next/eslint-plugin-next": "13.1.6", "@prismicio/types": "0.2.3", "@storybook/addon-actions": "6.5.16", "@storybook/addon-essentials": "6.5.16", "@storybook/addon-links": "6.5.16", "@storybook/addon-postcss": "2.0.0", "@storybook/react": "6.5.16", "@testing-library/dom": "8.20.0", "@testing-library/jest-dom": "5.16.5", "@testing-library/react": "13.4.0", "@testing-library/react-hooks": "8.0.1", "@testing-library/user-event": "14.4.3", "@types/intercom-web": "2.8.19", "@types/jest": "29.4.0", "@types/lodash.throttle": "4.1.7", "@types/node": "18.11.18", "@types/react": "18.0.27", "@types/react-dom": "18.0.10", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "5.50.0", "autoprefixer": "10.4.13", "eslint": "8.33.0", "eslint-config-next": "13.1.6", "eslint-plugin-storybook": "0.6.10", "git-repo-info": "2.1.1", "husky": "8.0.3", "jest": "29.4.1", "jest-environment-jsdom": "29.4.1", "jest-fetch-mock": "3.0.3", "lint-staged": "13.1.0", "netlify-cli": "12.10.0", "next-sitemap": "3.1.49", "npm-package-json-lint": "6.4.0", "postcss": "8.4.21", "prettier": "2.8.3", "prettier-plugin-tailwindcss": "0.2.2", "prismic-ts-codegen": "0.1.5", "schema-dts": "1.1.0", "slice-machine-ui": "0.5.1", "storybook-addon-next-router": "4.0.2", "tailwindcss": "3.2.4", "tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin": "4.0.0", "typescript": "4.9.5", "webpack-bugsnag-plugins": "1.8.0", "webpack-bundle-analyzer": "4.7.0" } }
Steps to reproduce
that imports and useenableAutoPreviews
in this server componentWhat is expected?
That the app works with no problems
What is actually happening?
The app throws an error.