prismicio / prismic-react

React components and hooks to fetch and present Prismic content
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Expose 'type-fest' as dependency instead of devDependency #120

Closed BillyBlaze closed 2 years ago

BillyBlaze commented 2 years ago

Currently this package makes use of the type-fest package, for example this piece of code uses the PascalCase type from that package. However the dependency of type-fest is set underneath devDependencies while technically this should be underneath dependencies or in the worst case as a peerDependency.

The current situation is problematic for our build (we're using Bazel) we're getting build errors such as:

BUILD.bazel:6:11: in ts_project rule //packages/libs/prismic:tsconfig: target '@npm//type-fest:type-fest' is not visible from target '//packages/libs/prismic:tsconfig'. Check the visibility declaration of the former target if you think the dependency is legitimate

The workaround to get this working is to add type-fest to our package.json as a dependency, however this is a bad practice. (e.g. mismatch in versions)

Therefor my question; Can we move this to dependencies?

angeloashmore commented 2 years ago

Hey @BillyBlaze, thanks for pointing this out. I've moved the type used from type-fest (PascalCase) into the package so we don't need it as a dependency. You can see the change in this PR: #121

This fix will be published in the next release which should come out early next week. I'll post here again once it's published. Thanks!

Edit: This was published today as part of v2.0.6.

@BillyBlaze could you update and let me know if this fixes the issue on your end? Thanks!

BillyBlaze commented 2 years ago

Hi @angeloashmore, your welcome and thanks for your quick response! Removing the dependency is even a better solution :smile: I have updated my project and everything is good!