prismmodelchecker / prism

The main development version of the PRISM model checker.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Hang in simulator on CTMC with terminal state #3

Open kleinj opened 8 years ago

kleinj commented 8 years ago

Trying to replicate the bug report in, I stumbled upon another bug: The simulator hangs indefinitely sampling a path for the second property.



const int M; // number of possible elements of FGF

const double k5=1; // an hour

 module SYSTEM

        reloc : [0..M] init 0; // relocated FGFR

        [] reloc<M -> k5 : (reloc'=reloc+1);
//      [] true -> k5 : (reloc'=min(M,reloc+1));



const int L;
const double T;

P=? [ true U<=T reloc>=L ]
P=? [ true U[T,T] reloc>=L ]


prism bug.prism bug.props -fixdl -const L=0,T=100,M=10 -sim -simsamples 100 -simpathlen 1000

Observed behaviour: PRISM does not terminate.

kleinj commented 8 years ago

The problem appears to be the following: In SimulatorEngine.doSampling, the method automaticTransition is iteratively called as long as there are samplers that have an unknown value and as long as the maximal path length is not yet exceeded. However, if the path formula has a time / step bound, then the maximal path length is ignored.

If the current state of the path is a deadlock state (as for reloc=M in the model), automaticTransition fails, returning false. In particular, the samplers are not updated and the sampler for P=?[ true U[T,T] reloc>=L] will never signal success/failure; the loop will continue indefinitely.

Possible fixes: