prismofeverything / oroboros

generative 3d visual and audio live-coding in clojure
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Usage #1

Open nhnifong opened 13 years ago

nhnifong commented 13 years ago

Hey Ryan, I'd really like to try and run this :) Could you just provide a smidgeon of information about which commands you were using to bring up that awesome colored spinning polygon thing we saw at the codex a few weeks ago? I wanted to try to implement that generative audio idea I had involving reverse FFTing the outline of the shape.

prismofeverything commented 13 years ago

Did you ever get this working?

nhnifong commented 13 years ago

I got the dependencies, what's the command to run it?

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 12:33 AM, Ryan Spangler <


Did you ever get this working?

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Nathan H. Nifong

prismofeverything commented 13 years ago

open up the repl:

(require '[oroboros.core :as core]) (core/start)

nhnifong commented 13 years ago

Started the repl within oroboros/src (where oroboros is the directory created by git clone. started it with java -cp ../../clojure.jar clojure.main

when trying to require oroboros.core, I get

FileNotFoundException Could not locate oroboros/core__init.class or oroboros/core.clj on classpath: clojure.lang.RT.load (

...... files in the wrong places. sorry. What's out of place? What directory should I be in?

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Ryan Spangler <


open up the repl:

(require '[oroboros.core :as core]) (core/start)

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Nathan H. Nifong

prismofeverything commented 13 years ago

Just go to the root dir of the project (not into /src) and hit

lein repl

nhnifong commented 13 years ago

ooohhh much better....

but still missing something

user=> (require '[oroboros.core :as core]) java.lang.Exception: No such var: mat/build-matrix (core.clj:42)

Thanks for the help Ryan

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Ryan Spangler <


Just go to the root dir of the project (not into /src) and hit

lein repl

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Nathan H. Nifong

prismofeverything commented 13 years ago

Aha yes, I believe the working code is on a branch. do

git co oroboros

Then run the repl etc