prisms-center / phaseField

PRISMS-PF: An Open-Source Phase-Field Modeling Framework
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Moving CHiMaD benchmarks & eliminating redundant `` #250

Closed landinjm closed 1 month ago

landinjm commented 1 month ago

I moved the CHiMaD benchmarks to their older folder with applications/ to avoid clutter when we eventually support the other benchmarks. This way, we can also have a folder for each sub-benchmark (1a, 1b, etc.) even when very little might be changing. It would also make it more clear what benchmarks we do support.

While I was at it, I updated the CMakeLists.txt so that we only need one for all applications. This is done through the a addition of phaseField/applications/CMakeLists.txt which adds all subdirectories in the applications folder. Then in the CMakeLists.txt at the application level, I specify the path for the file.

This should make it way easier to support higher order elements (less copy and paste).