priteshrnandgaonkar / CardsStack

An awesome set of cards at your disposal ✌️ ⚡️
MIT License
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Pan gesture not following finger #16

Closed harit closed 7 years ago

harit commented 7 years ago


First of, this may probably be some issue with my implementation using library - so not necessarily be issue with library itself.

Expand and collapse with tap gesture works smoothly. However, when initially cards are stacked - collapsed and try to expand using pan gesture, the cards start to move in finger's direction. However, untill full collection is expanded, the cards flicker or scroll with mild jerks and also display slowness in following finger point.

Can anyone please share his/her thoughts on this? Any pointer to debug would also be of great help.


harit commented 7 years ago

Found solution, UI operation within cell was slowing down whole animation.