Open hcheng826 opened 8 months ago
I'm looking for a reviewer
Hey, I can take this.
@ETHorHIL Thanks! do let me know if there's any feedback!
The proposal looks sensible. We can move on.
@ETHorHIL I have the first draft for milestone 1 of background research and design here: I read the guide Looks like I should wait for feedbacks or approval before moving on to the next milestone? Let me know if I can go ahead or there're any feedbacks. Thanks!
@hcheng826 we'll proceed to another round of review by @mitsu1124, please kindly wait for further notice
@ETHorHIL I have the first draft for milestone 1 of background research and design here: I read the guide Looks like I should wait for feedbacks or approval before moving on to the next milestone? Let me know if I can go ahead or there're any feedbacks. Thanks!
General Grant Proposal
Project Overview :page_facing_up:
Use the RSA signature that GitHub supports to generate off-chain zk proof from the commit message or pull request data, just like how zk email generate the proof from email payload. Use the zk proof to integrate with AA wallet and perform operations. The circom circuits supporting succinct RSA signature proof is already made by zk-email. We can also use their relayer to generate and submit proofs to the AA bundlers.
Project Details
Provide as much detail as possible about the project's expected final state.
Key Features
The RSA GitHub Wallets POC project integrates several core components to create a seamless and secure system for authorizing transactions via GitHub operations:
Team :busts_in_silhouette:
Team members
Team Website
Team's experience
Team Code Repos
Development Roadmap :nut_and_bolt:
Milestone 1: Research and Design
Milestone 2: Circuit Development
Milestone 3: Relayer Development
Milestone 4: AA Wallet Setup
Milestone 5: Integration and Testing
Milestone 6: Finalization and Outreach
Additional Information :heavy_plus_sign: