privacy-scaling-explorations / zk-kit.rust

A monorepo of reusable crates for zero-knowledge technologies.
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Define a basic toolset for this repository #1

Open cedoor opened 1 week ago

cedoor commented 1 week ago

The repository has been initialized with a minimal structure:

The current tools used to test, format, and analyze code statically are Rust's default ones:

It's important to keep it minimal, but there should be some requirements we're trying to meet in all zk-kit repos:

  1. Adhere to the Github community standards.
  2. Clearly define responsibilities on the code (i.e. code owners).
  3. Always build and test all code whenever a PR is created or the main branch is updated (CI workflow).
  4. Always check if the code is well formatted and has no syntactic errors whenever a PR is created or the main branch is updated (CI workflow).
  5. Monitor and keep test coverage high (ideally 100%).
  6. Provide an interactive git commit command to assist developers in adhering to the conventional commits guidelines.
  7. Always add clear documentation to the code and generate a static documentation website automatically from the code/comments.
  8. Audit code at regular frequency.

In this issue, the goal is to determine the best tools to use for items 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Q1: Are rustfmt and Clippy good enough? Q2: Does Rust provide commands to generate a test coverage report? Q3: Do you know any tool similar to (maybe Cocogitto ?) Q4: Is there any tool to generate static documentation websites from the code? Q5: Is there any other cool tool we should use? Q6: Any other suggestions?

@sripwoud @curryrasul @0xjei @vplasencia

curryrasul commented 1 week ago

Are rustfmt and Clippy good enough?

Sure, these are tools that are in official rust-toolchain, they "define" a standard for formatting & linting

Does Rust provide commands to generate a test coverage report?

Rust itself no, but there's a separate binary crate called cargo-tarpaulin. I used it. It outputs test coverage + compatible with other tools (such as codecov)

Is there any tool to generate static documentation websites from the code?

Built-in cargo doc. Or you can also use good static generators such as mdbook, etc.

Is there any other cool tool we should use?

Maybe cargo-deny - it analyzes if there're same dependencies used many times between crates. Also cargo audit - it checks if there're vulnerable dependencies in the project

Any other suggestions?


0xjei commented 1 week ago

@curryrasul answer to each question is pretty solid - nothing to add here, the suggested readings for testing are lit.

sripwoud commented 1 week ago

I agree with previous answers. I think cargo built in features got us covered for most of our needs: rustfmt clippy cargo doc... For conventional commits, I don't know it but we can give a try. I don't see it having a feature to interactively create conventional commits though. We can also stick to cz (assuming devs will have it installed globally)


need tool
formatting rustfmt (with dprint exec plugin)
linting cargo clippy
docs cargo doc
tests runner cargo nestest
ci github action
tasks runner just/ make?
vplasencia commented 5 days ago

It looks great! I'm excited about it.

This may be helpful:

cedoor commented 5 days ago

Thank you all @sripwoud @0xjei @curryrasul @vplasencia!

I think @sripwoud's table is great.

PR: Let's continue this discussion there.