privacy-scaling-explorations / zk-kit.solidity

A monorepo of reusable contracts for zero-knowledge technologies.
MIT License
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dx: use `soldeer` for solidity dependencies #25

Open sripwoud opened 2 weeks ago

sripwoud commented 2 weeks ago Related:

sripwoud commented 2 weeks ago

Migration to soldeer readiness check: We can migrate our packages to soldeer if all their dependencies are also available on soldeer It would make the conf more complex and clunky to have a mix of deps coming from gitmodules (forge), node_modules (hardhat) and soldeer. So ideally everything would be downloaded from and uploaded to soldeer.

pkg dep available on request to publish to soldeer
excubiae eas-contracts :x:
excubiae openzeppelin/contracts :white_check_mark: yes NA
excubiae semaphore-protcol/contracts :x:
lean-imt poseidon-solidity :white_check_mark: yes NA
imt poseidon-solidity :white_check_mark: yes NA
lazy-imt poseidon-solidity :white_check_mark: yes NA
lazy-tower poseidon-solidity :white_check_mark: yes NA
cedoor commented 2 weeks ago

@sripwoud thanks very much for that table!

I didn't know poseidon-solidity was on Soldeer. @vimwitch did you publish it?

sripwoud commented 2 weeks ago

Err no that was me :sweat_smile: (i wanted to test soldeer quickly), but I link to your repo @vimwitch You could take over my soldeer account if you want (but the UI does not seem to have a feature to update the email address yet....)