privacy-scaling-explorations / zk-kit

A monorepo of reusable libraries for zero-knowledge technologies.
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TS `root()` isn't compatible with solidity `root()` #242

Closed 0xbok closed 1 month ago

0xbok commented 1 month ago

Solidity version returns 0 for an empty tree root but ts code will throw an exception:

To compensate for this difference, Semaphore has to do this check:

Would be good to have this check in zk-kit instead of in semaphore.

sripwoud commented 1 month ago

@cedoor I'd like to have a shot at this too. What looks as a trivial change at first, raises a few questions regarding the implementation of a solution. Unlike in semaphore, zk-kit uses generics. While it provides flexibility, it means we can't make any assumption about N or what a possible 0 value is.

The only solution compatible with generic I could think about:

  1. somehow "provide" the zero as a parameter (value, getZero function etc...) to the constructor
    constructor(hash, leaves, zero: N) {
      this._zero = zero
    get root() {
      return this._nodes[this.depth][0] ?? this._zero

Discarded ideas

  1. Type guarding/checking

     root() {
         if (this._nodes[this.depth][0] !== undefined) {
            return this._nodes[this.depth][0];
       if (typeof this._nodes[this.depth][0] === "bigint") {
            return BigInt(0) as N;
        if (typeof this._nodes[this.depth][0] === "number") {
            return 0 as N;
        // and then??
        // return undefined again if tree empty?!
    1. restrict the generic type instead. This impacts all the places where we use N generic param in the package. Probably not what we want.
      class LeanIMT<N extends bigint> {

    root() { return this._nodes[this.depth][0] ?? BigInt(0) } }

cedoor commented 1 month ago

@sripwoud good point! I had not yet read this issue with attention. I think my idea was to return undefined, and I think it does it. @0xbok it shouldn't throw any exception right?

Returning undefined sounds consistent with generics to me, and the simplest solution. Also, it sounds logically true: if there are no members in the three there's no root. In Solidity there's no undefined type ofc, so 0 looks like the best value.

Re solution 1: One downside I see is that it won't be possible to check if the type of the zero parameter is the right one.

0xbok commented 1 month ago

Returning undefined sounds consistent with generics to me, and the simplest solution. Also, it sounds logically true: if there are no members in the three there's no root. In Solidity there's no undefined type ofc, so 0 looks like the best value.

I agree, let's close this issue. however, then does it make sense to return 0 in semaphore ts?

cedoor commented 1 month ago

I agree, let's close this issue. however, then does it make sense to return 0 in semaphore ts?

Mmh although it looks inconsistent there are no generics there, and it's easier to know what type to use as 1 type only (bigints) is used. So it could make more sense there.

There are different arguments. What do you think?

0xbok commented 1 month ago

yup, makes sense.