privacy-scaling-explorations / zkevm-circuits
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fix(zkevm-circuits/begin_tx): add missing constraints #1776

Closed curryrasul closed 4 months ago

curryrasul commented 5 months ago


This PR aims to fix #1475 by adding missing constraints.

Issue Link


Type of change

Questions / Need Help

  1. Meaning of value_prev argument in account_access_list_write_unchecked. Why is it sometimes set to 0, and sometimes to bool values such as is_coinbase_warm or is_caller_callee_equal. What is is_caller_callee_equal for?
  2. There's expression: Why do we have summation - if is_empty_code_hash.expr() is enough (as well as callee_not_exists is enough)?
  3. What's caller_nonce_hash_bytes? Is it Keccak(sender, nonce) and we have to constrain this exact value?