privacy-scaling-explorations / zkevm-specs

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Finish all target of read-write consistency check #64

Open han0110 opened 2 years ago

han0110 commented 2 years ago

In State circuit we need to verify kinds of access records are consistent between different writes.

The following should be described as part of specs/circuits/

(Some of them have been described in but might be outdated)

han0110 commented 2 years ago

For more detailed rationale, please refer to

ed255 commented 2 years ago

The state circuit is specified in

* What's the data contained in different kinds of target


* For different kinds of target, what's the constraints of:

  * Grouping different unit
  * Writing value


* How to calculate the total meaningful access records


If I understood it correctly, @han0110 proposed the idea of using the shuffle argument to verify that the rwc values used in the EVM circuit match 1-1 with the rwc values used in the state circuit; so I understand that with this approach the count of rwc != 0 wouldn't be needed. Nevertheless in the state circuit we have many rows where rwc = 0, and I'm not sure if that poses a difficulty when using the shuffle argument.

Other TODOs:

han0110 commented 2 years ago

Yes, in the approach using shuffle instead of lookup, we don't need to count how many row with rwc != 0. We only need to make sure rwc is strict monotonically increasing of the same key.

Nevertheless in the state circuit we have many rows where rwc = 0, and I'm not sure if that poses a difficulty when using the shuffle argument.

Such special rows with rwc = 0 will be masked to be 0 just like padding rows, and since rwc is constraint to be strict monotonically increasing, so prover can't have 2 continuous rwc = 0 row to forge a unexpected initial value. Then in EVM circuit, the only thing we need to do is make sure all rows with rwc != 0 is laid in the polynomial which should be the shuffle of rw_table. So I think it won't pose a difficulty then.

ed255 commented 2 years ago

The approach to make sure the number of rw operations in state circuit and evm circuit are the same is resolved through the idea implemented in