privacycg / CHIPS

A proposal for a cookie attribute to partition cross-site cookies by top-level site
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Top-level sites and Clear-Site-Data #11

Closed DCtheTall closed 3 years ago

DCtheTall commented 3 years ago

At the time of writing this, the explainer currently states that browsers give top-level sites the ability to clear third parties' cookies by sending a Clear-Site-Data header.

In other words, say example[1-10].com set cookies under's partition. Then could send a Clear-Site-Data header in a response which would clear all of example[1-10].com's cookies in the partition.

I am opening this issue because I am less convinced that this is functionality is either necessary or a good idea.

@annevk mentioned in the storage partitioning repo that this could allow malicious first parties to interfere with code running on third-party frames.