privacycg / CHIPS

A proposal for a cookie attribute to partition cross-site cookies by top-level site
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Embedded applications that use multiple subdomains #39

Closed dkelly-echo360 closed 1 year ago

dkelly-echo360 commented 2 years ago

How would this work for an application embedded in an iframe that uses multiple subdomains in a 3rd party context?

For example, an org owns:

There is an authentication token set in a cookie by meant to available to all sub-domains. The sites listed are the same party but also need partitioned and keyed to a top level site.

DCtheTall commented 2 years ago

Hello and thanks for your interest in CHIPS. We understand that making partitioned cookies hostname bound is a paradigm shift from domain-bound unpartitioned cross-site cookies.

Here are some solutions that sites can use to migrate to hostname-bound cross-site cookies:

If these solutions do not work for your use case, we are interested in hearing your feedback as to why so that we can work together on new solutions.

DCtheTall commented 1 year ago

Closing this now that #43 is also closed. CHIPS no longer requires cookies to not be set with Domain.

solatsuta commented 10 months ago

@DCtheTall Hello. I have posed a similar question to privacy sandbox. I saw this issue here and I have a question.

I am aware that the use case in this issue has not been resolved. How should we handle cookies used on multiple subdomains in the future?

solatsuta commented 10 months ago

@DCtheTall Hello. I have posed a similar question to privacy sandbox. I saw this issue here and I have a question. GoogleChromeLabs/privacy-sandbox-dev-support#144

I am aware that the use case in this issue has not been resolved. How should we handle cookies used on multiple subdomains in the future?

It was my lack of knowledge. I was not aware of the specification changes. My issue was resolved.