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Request for meeting for JS Membranes proposal #2

Closed pes10k closed 4 years ago

pes10k commented 4 years ago

As per the most recent call, i would like to organize a meeting regarding the proposal. Thanks!

TanviHacks commented 4 years ago

Hey @pes10k! Thanks for submitting this. Can you write down a few bullet points on what you would like to discuss. Also, would you like to propose some times that work for you? Or if you are pretty flexible, the chairs can propose a few times. Then we can see what works best for the folks that are interested in discussing this with you.

Note this is the first time we are doing this, so may take time to fine tune a process.

pes10k commented 4 years ago

Thanks @TanviHacks !

The main things I'd like to discuss more on are:

1) Are there other vendors in PrivacyCG who are interested in prototyping / implementing, possibly before Brave is able to? We are unlikely to start a possible implementation until summer, but if others are interested, I or others at Brave would be very interested in working on a joint / common implementation in any runtime. 2) More broadly, would be very interested to get a sense of which bucket other folks fall in: (i) interested in seeing what happens if others plan to implement, (ii) planning on implementing, (iii) no interest, (iv) other. 3) What do others think about the possible overhead of the approach? 4) The spec doesn't require any tainting or similar; if a script is fetched and executed from, and that script injects another script from, this proposal doesn't provide anyway for tying the behavior of the script to Is this a problem? My sense is that tracking script providence would make this functionality even more useful, but that the approach is sufficiently useful itself that it makes sense to be its own proposal. Would be very interested in others thoughts 5) Are others pursing / planning different approaches to the same problem?

I am very flexible on timing and location :)

TanviHacks commented 4 years ago

Hi @pes10k! Would Thursday, March 19th at 10:00 am PST (right after the PING call) or Monday, March 23rd at 1:00 pm PST work?

Please also invite people who you think would be interested in attending.

pes10k commented 4 years ago

Thanks @TanviHacks !

I think this would mostly hinge on whether other vendors were interested. Would any number of @kdzwinel @johnwilander @englehardt @ehsan @erik-anderson @TanviHacks be interested in the call? If so, either time works for me (and likely other Brave-side folks)

deian commented 4 years ago

Following up on happy to hop on call if it would be useful; if its 1PM monday, I can wiggle things around and try to make that time slot

TanviHacks commented 4 years ago

We are a little late for Monday, so how about Thursday March 26th at 10am PDT (right after our regular Privacy CG teleconference). Would that work?

pes10k commented 4 years ago

that would work just fine with me

deian commented 4 years ago

works for me

TanviHacks commented 4 years ago

Okay sounds great! I'll send an email to the group.

pes10k commented 4 years ago

@TanviHacks could you share connection details for the call? Zoom link etc? Or if its the same as the PrivacyCG call, i can re-post here too

TanviHacks commented 4 years ago

We will be using the same details as the teleconference, which is right before this meeting - We can also continue in the same cryptad - If that call ends early, we may start early if we have everyone we expect.

See for more dial in details.


TanviHacks commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the lively discussion! Meeting notes are here - Closing out this meeting request.