privacycg / private-click-measurement

Private Click Measurement
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In-App PCM Bug #106

Closed FengAtPinterest closed 1 year ago

FengAtPinterest commented 1 year ago

Hi PCM team, There might be a bug in the in-app PCM. Here is my test demo project. In the demo, the app-to-safari PCM works well, but the in-app PCM does not.

There are two same steps for the app-to-safari PCM and the in-app PCM.

  1. Create UIEventAttribution
  2. Create UIEventAttributionView and cover it on the button

The bug must be in Step 3: Open SVC with UIEventAttribution in its configuration.

And I have added a breakpoint to safariViewControllerDidFinish and made sure the attribution data exists in SFSafariViewController

Since the SFSafariViewController does have the attribution data, it should store a PCM click, but it does NOT.

Can anyone help me with this? Is it my mistake, or is there a bug in SFSafariViewController?

johnwilander commented 1 year ago

This repo is for the web standards proposal. App-to-web is not part of that and bugs in individual implementations are not either. Please file with Apple. Thanks!