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Private Click Measurement
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EU Cookie law and the PCM API #87

Open privacychampion opened 2 years ago

privacychampion commented 2 years ago

Wondering if the API is compliant with the EU Cookie Law/ePD...can someone pls help?

michael-oneill commented 2 years ago

The aim of PCM is to support online advertising without needing any access to personal data, so it would not be affected by any requirements under the EU's General Data Protection Regulation..

The European ePrivacy Directive (which many call the EU Cookie law) restricts storage or use in browsers of any data, not just personal data, so could still technically apply. But in practice it is very unlikely that regulators would take enforcement action against PCM which has been specifically designed to not allow the profiling of individuals.

It would be useful if an exemption for PCM, or indeed any mechanism utilising storage that could not be used to profile individuals, was added to the forthcoming e-Privacy Regulation, which replaces the ePrivacy Directive.