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Private Click Measurement
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Clarification on unattributed source/trigger prioritization behavior #89

Open johnivdel opened 2 years ago

johnivdel commented 2 years ago


I'd like to clarify (and hopefully align on) some of the specific behavior regarding trigger prioritization and unattributed sources for PCM and Attribution Reporting. One specific scenario I am interested in:

Assume all source/triggers are for a single source site, destination site pair.

t= 0 mins click source -> trigger (priority 1)

t= 5 mins click source -> trigger (priority 2)

In Attribution Reporting, this will generate two reports for a few reasons:

@johnwilander could you clarify:

johnwilander commented 2 years ago

Ha, ha! I think we were writing about this same topic in parallel. See if my clarifies what you're after.

johnivdel commented 2 years ago

I think this is slightly different because there is a redirect trigger in-between the sources.

The behavior of having two outgoing reports at once for a single (source, dest) is also a separate question.

csharrison commented 2 years ago

Friendly ping @johnwilander, can you outline the PCM behavior here?