privacycg / proposals

New proposals in the Privacy Community Group
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Adopt Private Click Measurement as a deliverable #1

Closed hober closed 4 years ago

hober commented 4 years ago

I propose we adopt Private Click Measurement, currently a @WICG work item, as a deliverable of this Community Group, with @johnwilander continuing as editor.


hober commented 4 years ago

WebKit is supportive of this work and of doing this work here.

TanviHacks commented 4 years ago

Mozilla is supportive of adopting this API. We do believe there is some more work to be done to consider fraud.

othermaciej commented 4 years ago

Trust Tokens have been discussed as a potential way to alleviate the fraud problem.

TanviHacks commented 4 years ago

Mozilla has found some issues with Trust Tokens that need to be worked out, but are in favor of moving Private Click Measurement to a Work Item.

hober commented 4 years ago

With multiple implementers in support, we agree to adopt Private Click Measurement as a work item of the Privacy CG, with @wilander as editor.