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The Storage Access API
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Reloading frame after granted storage access to enable efficient site isolation #154

Open johnwilander opened 1 year ago

johnwilander commented 1 year ago

Apple WebKit is interested in exploring if we can allow browser engines to reload a cross-site frame after it is granted storage access through the Storage Access API. That would allow web engines on resource-constrained platforms to only use site isolation for sub frames with access to unpartitioned storage.

There is a difference in data leakage risk between cross-site frames with partitioned storage and cross-site frames with unpartitioned storage. It's most important to isolate documents with personal content, and personal content almost always implies unpartitioned storage. Put differently, being logged in almost always implies access to first-party cookies.

The switch to an isolated process could be done either by a mandatory frame reload on granted storage access (crude) or in a way that's controlled by JavaScript in the frame (perhaps more elegant). For the latter, imagine this for cross-site frame X:

  1. X calls document.hasStorageAccess() and learns that it does not currently have access.
  2. X indicates with a button that the user needs to interact with the content to activate it.
  3. The user taps the button in X.
  4. X calls document.requestStorageAccess().
  5. The user has been prompted previously and opted in, so the browser automatically grants storage access.
  6. X gets the result back that it was granted storage access, but cookie access is not yet open.
  7. X calls document.reloadOnStorageAccess().
  8. The browser checks if X was granted storage access, and since it was, reloads it.

Two key things here:

cfredric commented 1 year ago

Hi John, I've got some questions on this proposal.

If I understand correctly, this suggestion is specifically for the scenario where the site-isolation status ought to change after the embed obtains access to its unpartitioned cookies. E.g., top-level embeds, and both documents are in the same process; then requests storage access and reloads, giving the browser the opportunity to load the new document in a separate process. To put it another way, if the site-isolation status does not need to change, then this proposal isn't necessary. (I.e. if and are initially in separate processes anyway, then a call to document.requestStorageAccess() doesn't require a reload before accessing sensitive unpartitioned cookies.)

With that in mind:

When evaluating this proposal, I think we should also keep in mind the priority of constituencies. I'm unconvinced that the performance wins of allowing an in-process cross-site iframe (before the document.requestStorageAccess() call) outweigh the security, ergonomics, and performance benefits of the alternative (i.e. requiring that the embedded iframe starts isolated, at least in the cases where it needs to request storage access).

cfredric commented 1 year ago

On further reading, I misunderstood COOP/COEP/crossOriginIsolated. Those are about loading resources in separate BrowsingContextGroups, rather than separate processes. (And iframes are necessarily in the same BCG as their embedder [even though they may be in separate processes], since they must be able to communicate - so COOP is only relevant for top-level documents.) So that alternative isn't viable.

I do still think that preemptively applying site isolation to sites that are likely to request storage access is a good idea, however. If the heuristic approach would lead to too many false positives, we could consider introducing a new response header (without which calls to document.requestStorageAccess would automatically reject) which indicates "this document plans to request storage access". That way, the browser has a clear signal to load the document in a separate process if possible. (The "if possible" caveat is intentional; I don't think we want to break/remove this functionality on resource-constrained devices that cannot do site isolation.)

(That header idea feels somewhat related to my Supports-Loading-Mode: with-storage-access header suggestion in If the server knows the script will request storage access, and can tell the browser so upfront, then the browser could load the document with storage access already granted if the requestStorageAccess call would automatically resolve, and otherwise, could load the document without storage access but with the requestStorageAccess method "enabled".)

johannhof commented 1 year ago

Hi @johnwilander, sorry for taking a bit to get to this. I think this is an interesting proposal given the security properties we're trying to impose on storage access right now (including per-frame). On the other hand, @cfredric highlights some valid concerns that I'm struggling to balance against the benefits of this proposal.

My main concern is that SAA requirements for developers are difficult enough as they are, as we've taken steps to protect against tracking, prompt abuse, and lately cookie-based attacks. I'd like to avoid a "feature creep" adding more responsibilities to the API (e.g. being a control for site isolation) that will further restrict and complicate the API to the point where we might as well not ship it. So, in discussing this improvement, I want to stay grounded to the usefulness for developers.

With that said, this could fall into the "just beneficial enough but still usable" goldilocks zone, heavily depending on the actual utility this provides for site isolation. I think that will be the main thing to figure out.

Chris and I are not necessarily experts on site isolation but luckily we have a number of experts on Chrome that we consulted with, and that conversation brought up a few more points:

I think Chris already relayed these points at the last PCG call, but I wanted to reiterate them here for visibility. I've also copied this to folks internally and encouraged them to chime in.

To move things forward, I also discussed this with @annevk and @bvandersloot-mozilla and (without trying to speak for them) both seemed somewhat relaxed about the idea of requiring a reload for access to cross-site cookies. So, I can see us further discussing the design details for that. I'll start with a few (strong) opinions that touch on the points above:

bvandersloot-mozilla commented 1 year ago

On a closer read, I'm not particularly fond of the semantic change of document.requestStorageAccess to not actually change the behavior of the current document and instead affect a future document. If it were an alternate function document.requestStorageAccessAndReload that appeared to devs as a convenience function, then I'd be more on board.

As-is this breaks the following use-structure that I see as the easiest way to use the API:

A developer has some function code() that they need storage access for.

  1. The developer calls document.requestStorageAccess()->then(code)
  2. On exception, the developer renders a clickable UI with callback document.requestStorageAccess()->then(code).

Tangentially, this cracks into something I've been thinking of lately: now that the has storage access lives on the environment, is document the right object for these functions to live on? If the answer is "no, window makes more sense" then maybe requiring a document to reload makes more sense, i.e. by defining a document "has storage access" as the conjunction of the environment's "has storage access" value and a header on the document's HTTP response.

As is, I agree with Johann's first two strong opinions though: "this API should not mention site isolation in its name" and "we should move away from "implicit" storage access given to documents based on actions of previous documents".

annevk commented 1 year ago

I discussed this some more with colleagues and we're amenable to a more backwards-compatible change along the lines @bvandersloot-mozilla suggests. Either a new method or perhaps a dictionary with a navigate member accepting a same-origin destination. The latter might already be a flow that many websites have whereby they show a partitioned view and once they get cookie access they navigate to the non-partitioned view.

The existing code requestStorageAccess() path would then end up failing in the scenario where a) the embedded site is already loaded into the non-isolated process and b) only then does the user visit the embedded site in a top-level navigable.

Does that seem like something that could work?

johannhof commented 1 year ago

We discussed this at the editor's call and I had some thoughts/concerns which I've since confirmed with some other folks on the Chrome side:

It would be nice if instead we gave the developer the ability to deal with these rarer failures when they happen, by initiating a navigation on their own. My preferred method of doing this would be exposing the failure reason through a special exception that gets thrown after the user consented to the SAA prompt, e.g.

  .then(() => loadCredentials())
  .catch((e) => {
    if ( == "SecurityError" && e.message.contains("navigate")) {

I agree with Ben's above point that this probably shouldn't magically affect the next document load (something that @cfredric and I had also been discussing) and instead we should probably require developers to go through the regular rSA flow again after they handled the error with a navigation (just this time being autogranted because they have the permission). This would also make things more compatible with the storage handle approach suggested in #102.

annevk commented 10 months ago

Discussing this with colleagues we could live with the specific exception option. I suggest we reuse "NoModificationAllowedError" for this purpose. (Branching on message is an extreme anti-pattern we should not encourage anywhere, for what it's worth.) When that exception is thrown, your request in principle succeeded, but you'll have to create a new document and call requestStorageAccess() again in that new document in order to be able to use it. And of course that would have to happen within some reasonable timeframe, so the end user can actually be assumed to remember having made that particular decision.

johannhof commented 10 months ago

Thanks Anne, that seems reasonable to me!