privacycg / storage-access

The Storage Access API
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Top-level calls to navigator.permissions.query for SAA should probably return "granted" #168

Open johannhof opened 1 year ago

johannhof commented 1 year ago

In Chrome they currently return "prompt", which isn't accurate as the spec explicitly mandates no prompt or heuristics be applied here.

johannhof commented 2 days ago

Update: This was fixed a while back in Chromium by

Probably needs a spec change in though.

annevk commented 1 day ago

Hmm, but wouldn't that imply that if you delegate it there is no prompt?

johannhof commented 1 day ago

Delegate in what sense? Via permissions policy?

annevk commented 1 day ago

Yeah. I guess this permission is double-keyed so it's a bit different. Prolly bound to be confusion either way.