privacycg / storage-access

The Storage Access API
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How can I reset the Storage Access API "previous interaction" state in Chrome? #194

Closed DavidScales closed 5 months ago

DavidScales commented 5 months ago

In order to request storage access with the Storage Access API, the user must have visited the embedded origin in a top-level context. Otherwise, storage access requests are rejected. See When to use the Storage Access API.

Question: Is there a way to test first-time visits in Chrome? In other words, I'd like to reset whatever counter tracks that I have visited a my site in a top level context.

I've tried incognito and cleared storage access from Chrome settings (chrome://settings/content/storageAccess) but I can't find a way to simulate the "user has never interacted with the site" scenario.

Apologies if this is covered elsewhere or this isn't the best medium for the question.

cfredric commented 5 months ago

The top-level user interaction requirement is not part of the SAA specification (and other browsers do not require it), so this is a Chrome-specific question. For Chrome-specific questions like this, I think a better place to ask would be on, in the future.

To answer your question, though, you should be able to reset that state in Chrome by clearing browsing history for the site in question.

johannhof commented 5 months ago

Looks like Chris answered this and this repo is more about the API itself and less about browser specific implementation / testing questions, so closing :)