privacycg / storage-access

The Storage Access API
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Sub-frames at same domain also acquire access #21

Closed sleyhane closed 4 years ago

sleyhane commented 4 years ago

Regarding the scope of storage access, I'd like to request that sub-frames from the same domain also acquire storage access when their parent acquires storage access. This approach could be applied recursively down the frame tree.

When a user grants storage access to an iframe, they need not be concerned whether the contents of that iframe are a single page or made up of several pages from the same domain.

I've hit this issue as a developer making use of the Storage Access API. In our case, we are the third-party serving content from a Learning Management System inside of another (first-party) system. We don't have a choice but to make use of frames in order to support learning industry standards. Our main page holds a Javascript API, and then has two frames: one for the training module and one for course navigation.

In Safari 13.1, we're able to successfully acquire storage access for our main page, but then our sub-frames fail because they do not get access to our authentication cookie.

While our specific scenario might fall into the 'non-goals' category, I still believe this request makes sense. I can see this issue applying to others and don't see how it adds any further threat to tracking.

johnwilander commented 4 years ago

Hi! Thanks for filing!

I believe already covers this albeit mixed up with some other concerns. Can you have a look at that issue and see if they are the same?

sleyhane commented 4 years ago

Sorry, my initial read of #14 missed the nesting of same-domain frames scenario. I focussed too much on the sibling frames.