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The Storage Access API
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Viewing media from different domains - cultural heritage interoperability #72

Open tomcrane opened 3 years ago

tomcrane commented 3 years ago

Thank you @johnwilander for pointing us at the work of this group.

Our motivating use case is:

The user is logged in to Image Publisher with domain name image-publisher.example and is now visiting viewer.example, which allows users to view images from multiple image publishers using the accounts they have with those publishers. The user taps/clicks on a link to an image from image-publisher.example in order to view it at full resolution, which requires authenticated access via cookies. The onclick event handler in the viewer.example application calls the Storage Access API to request cookie access needed to authenticate the user cross-site to image-publisher.example. The user has not used viewer.example before and thus gets prompted to allow or disallow storage access, decides to allow storage access, and the browser retrieves the full image from image-publisher.example, rendered to the user via an <img> tag (or <canvas>, or similar) in the viewer.example page.

This use case is further described in this 3 minute read.

Differences from current storage-access use cases

In current storage-access use cases, the publisher's code (in an iframe) is asking permission for the browser to send cookies to it (the publisher); whereas here the application page is asking permission for the browser to send cookies to the publisher. The application doesn't need access to the cookies, just that they be sent to the publisher to establish the identity of the user.


(staying as closely as possible to the existing example but acknowledging that it might be a different API)

Here the code belongs to the viewing application; the document is the viewer itself, rather than an embedded iframe from the publisher.

var promise = document.hasStorageAccess("publisher.example");
  function (hasAccess) {
  function (reason) {
    // now we know the browser isn't going to send cookies even if it has them
    var promise = document.requestStorageAccess("publisher.example");
      function () {
      function () {
        // Storage access was denied.

function showImage(){
  // Here's where we might establish whether the user is logged in to publisher.example
  // and if not, send them over there first, before trying this:
  theImage.src = "https://publisher.example/image.jpg";
  // (and react to this failing, if it fails)
johnwilander commented 3 years ago

Hi! Thanks for filing. It's hard for me to follow with "publisher," "viewer," and "application." Can we reframe as top frame and partitioned iframe? Are you suggesting that the top frame requests storage access on behalf of the partitioned iframe? If so, why is that a requirement?

azaroth42 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the super prompt response! I hope the following helps clarify the use case we have.

There are no iframes in this scenario. The top frame in the viewer.example document needs to ask permission for cookies that the browser has for publisher.example be sent to publisher.example when requests are made to that host, such that they can be used to establish that the user has logged in.

The scenario is, essentially the "deep linking / hot linking" of images, where the images require cookies to be sent across domains. For example, try the demos for these applications:

That pull in images from third parties ... but imagine that cookies needed to be sent from those application sites to the image hosting sites. Thus they (called viewer in the use case) would need to do something like the code that @tomcrane wrote above.

michael-oneill commented 3 years ago

In the first example there does not seem to be any third-party cookies (cookies sent to

The authentication looks like it is in the url e.g.

If that value is derived from first-party state (i.e. cookies) there should be no problem (with e.g. ITP)? There might be in future with first-party cookie restrictions but they will probably only about reducing expiry times in some circumstances.

tomcrane commented 3 years ago

Although real world applications are usually far more complex, the essence of the problem can be reduced to a very simple scenario.

Starting condition - user is logged in at and has a session. On a web page at, user can view access controlled images because the session cookie is sent with the image request.

<img src="" />


Over at, the user is working on an art annotation project using this same image from Even though a direct first party request for works for the user (because they have a session), when that request is initiated from, the image is broken because the browser policy no longer permits third party cookies to be sent.

<img src="" />


Cross domain interoperability for access controlled images relies on third party cookies. Recently implementations have had to make sure they were using SameSite headers correctly, but it still worked.

Real world example:

The image resources are on a different domain from the web page. Access to these resources requires a cookie, which in this case is granted by if you accept the terms (this simple pattern is called "clickthrough" in our spec).

This page still works in my version of Chrome, but it doesn't work in Safari any more, and soon won't work in Chrome if third party cookies are removed.

We understand that the web feature that enables this interoperability is the same web feature that is abused by trackers. Consensual opt-in to third party cookies via browser API solves this more elegantly. The other part of our spec is about how client code learns whether the user has credentials for without having to know anything about the credentials themselves, which might be a use case for isLoggedIn - but that's a different issue!

azaroth42 commented 3 years ago

@michael-oneill wrote:

In the first example there does not seem to be any third-party cookies ...

Apologies for being unclear, that was what I meant by "Imagine" ... those examples don't have cookies, but there are many very similar situations where there are cross-site cookies needed, as @tomcrane explains above.

johnwilander commented 3 years ago

We understand that the web feature that enables this interoperability is the same web feature that is abused by trackers. Consensual opt-in to third party cookies via browser API solves this more elegantly.

That is the Storage Access API. Have the image source offer a document you can load in an iframe where there’s a button to request storage access. When the user taps, the image source calls the Storage Access API and the browser will apply its logic for user permission and open up cookie access if the user allows. At this point, the iframe can let the top frame know that it can now load the images.

One of the reasons why the top frame is not allowed request storage access on behalf of partitioned sites is that there’s no appropriate time to do so. On page load would take us back to modal prompts as soon as you land on a page. Tapping/clicking somewhere on the page will only be marginally better. I believe we would very quickly get to sites asking the user for permission to allow cookies for tracking on page load or first tap.

The other part of our spec is about how client code learns whether the user has credentials for without having to know anything about the credentials themselves, which might be a use case for isLoggedIn - but that's a different issue!

It’s highly unlikely that sites will be intentionally able to gain any knowledge about cross-site resources’ unpartitioned state. If that would be allowed, it could be used for fingerprinting similar to login fingerprinting (see “Disables Login Fingerprinting” in our blog post).

It would have to be the partitioned resource provider inspecting its state in some form. How to prevent collusion to achieve login fingerprinting is still unresolved.

tomcrane commented 3 years ago

Hi @johnwilander

the image source calls the Storage Access API and the browser will apply its logic for user permission and open up cookie access if the user allows. At this point, the iframe can let the top frame know that it can now load the images.

This sounds great if I'm reading it right - I was looking at the README which says:

If an iframe is granted storage access through the API, only that calling iframe and its subresources should have access to storage.

The key thing in the above scenario would be that the top page knows it is OK to set the .src of its image tags (for example) once it receives a message from the image source's document in the iframe, because it now can be sure that any cookies the user might have for the image source will be sent. The image tags are in the outer page, not in the iframe; the iframe is just acting as a messaging mechanism - is that right?

tomcrane commented 3 years ago

(PS - related topic, you might be interested in how we use an iframe to allow the image source to pass a token to the client application, for it to gain knowledge of the client's current access to the image source's resources. The client uses this token as a proxy for the actual credential - a cookie, usually - on API interactions. The token can't be use to access the protected resources (it is not itself a credential), but it can be used to probe API endpoints which give the HTTP status that the protected resource would return if the user requested it with the credential represented by the token).

johnwilander commented 3 years ago

Hi @johnwilander

the image source calls the Storage Access API and the browser will apply its logic for user permission and open up cookie access if the user allows. At this point, the iframe can let the top frame know that it can now load the images.

This sounds great if I'm reading it right - I was looking at the README which says:

We may still have references to per-frame access in the spec. However, we have switched to a per-page storage access model based on developer feedback and cross-browser discussions:

WebKit/Safari has per-page storage access out in current betas:

I believe both Firefox and Edge are already shipping with per-page storage access.

If an iframe is granted storage access through the API, only that calling iframe and its subresources should have access to storage.

The key thing in the above scenario would be that the top page knows it is OK to set the .src of its image tags (for example) once it receives a message from the image source's document in the iframe, because it now can be sure that any cookies the user might have for the image source will be sent. The image tags are in the outer page, not in the iframe; the iframe is just acting as a messaging mechanism - is that right?

Yes. But I would point out that the iframe crucially provides an execution context where storage access can be requested. JavaScript running in the iframe is running in the origin for which the desired cookies are stored. That’s how the browser knows which site is requesting access.

michael-oneill commented 3 years ago

I know it might not be as smooth a UI but have you considered opening another window (i.e. a new tab) to the image serving site with, then posting suitable authentication information back to the window.opener with postMessage? The opened window could inform the user what is happening etc.

tomcrane commented 3 years ago

...opening another window (i.e. a new tab) to the image serving site with, then posting suitable authentication information back to the window.opener with postMessage?

This is pretty much how our current flow works:

This flow, while fiddly, continues to work (although a more formal way of doing this would be nice). The exchange of information is still going to be possible, but the simple HTTP requests (e.g., from an img tag src) that would then follow that initial exchange won't work, without third party cookies.

I think our next step is to prepare a demonstrator of the auth flow that includes the storage-access request, and see if we can get the flow working again in Safari using that.

michael-oneill commented 3 years ago

But couldn't you encode the authentication in the src url? Keep it in a first-party cookie between sessions.

tomcrane commented 3 years ago

The goals/assumptions of the spec included:

Encoding the auth information into the request URLs for the assets themselves would mean that libraries, museums, universities etc need our auth protocol protecting content resource requests, instead of whatever protocol they use at the moment. With the current spec they don't need to do that; acquisition and format of credentials is external to the spec. The spec's protocol is about information leakage from the publisher to compliant viewers, which is a simpler thing to have running alongside SSO or whatever, for these particular image resources.

But yes, you're right - without third party cookies, the current spec would need to be replaced by something completely different - a specific auth protocol that encodes credentials into the request URL, rather than an adjacent protocol for revealing information about the user's ability to access a resource (but crucially, never credentials), independent of the auth protocol in use.

michael-oneill commented 3 years ago

I understand. So the cookie method would would work, as long as the third-party cookies were partitioned and not ephemeral? The user would have to log in via an iframe and the credentials communicated back to be stored by the first-party Is the issue now about getting the postMessaging script onto the image source site?

johannhof commented 3 years ago

So this is a lot to process, sorry if this has already been answered, but where does the requirement for supporting plain <img> tags in this flow come from? The use cases you're drawing up greatly benefit from using iframes as viewers for these 3rd party images, and the storage access API fits perfectly into that, AFAICT.

With iframes, institutions could continue using their access control backend for the images in addition to a JS file that runs the iframe document to check for storage access, display UI to notify the user, etc.

azaroth42 commented 3 years ago

To enable rich, dynamic interactions with the content via systems like Open Seadragon, where images from multiple publishers can be composited together into a single scene. Similarly, Open Layers is another product with similar functionality, but focused more on maps and overlays (where the overlays and/or images could come from different publishers).

Or just to embed them in blog posts (or wherever) without having to deal with iframes :)

johannhof commented 3 years ago

Huh, okay, I get that first point, thanks, but I'm somewhat skeptical that in the latter case this would really be more work for the embedder. In the end, is there a big difference whether I copy-paste (or generate) an iframe vs. an image element into my HTML?

(Without having domain knowledge of your field) I would suspect that there is an opportunity for covering most use cases you're describing (except ones that need access to the raw image file) through "standardized" embedded iframes for this use case, which use the storage access api.

I guess my question is whether what you describe the above comment is very common or if, say, 80% of embeds could safely be replaced by simple iframes.

azaroth42 commented 3 years ago

The dynamic interactions is 99.many9s% of the usage, especially when it comes to authenticated / authorized access. The embedding is certainly the 0.many0s1% case :)

tomcrane commented 3 years ago

The real-world user experience of IIIF is usually in a viewer like these:

The third party cookies issue is the same in the simple scenario of an HTML <img /> tag as it is for the complex viewer clients; it's easier to explain and reason about the problem if we reduce it down to a web page with image tags that point to images hosted on other domains.

Crucially, whether for simple images or deep zoom, the client application is in charge of the user experience - where and how the images are displayed and laid out, what size(s) they are, etc. The img tag belongs to the viewer, not the publisher of the image.

For example:


On the left I have zoomed into van Gogh's eye; the client viewer application on is causing the browser to make making many (hundreds, even) of image tile requests to

leyla559 commented 3 years ago

Orospu çocuğu bulacağım seni

tomcrane commented 3 years ago

Hi there, thanks for adding this to the agenda!

We have a little more material. One is a sequence diagram that shows the (pre-storage-api, assumption of 3rd part cookies) flow. It's a fairly conceptual diagram, rather verbose, I hope it conveys our IIIF Auth spec:

We also have stripped-down versions of client and server implementations. Usually the client and server are more complex but here they just provide a single image. This is not an impl of the spec, it dispenses with everything that isn't relevant to exploring this problem.

There are three versions of the server. One without any nod to storage access - the crucial point is that an image such as has a service description:

The other two versions are WIP experiments with storage API. We find that in most current browsers, if the flow forces a user gesture in an opened tab on the publisher site, then the flow still works, and hasStorageAccess is already true (where the API is present to ask for it).

When hasStorageAccess is false, we find requestStorageAccess will immediately fail if the user has had no interaction with the publisher site before (we can't even ask for it).

One question in this thread is whether we couldn't just show the images in the publisher's iframe. The simplicity of this demo doesn't help explain why that isn't sufficient but I hope the more complex examples linked earlier do demonstrate this.

We are open to ANY approach / flow / interaction patterns that meet the use cases, whether they are refinements of the existing flow or even if they are radically different. If they can be based on web standards that accommodate the use cases, rather than playing catch up with evolving 3rd party policy in browsers, then we will have a simpler and more stable spec.

tomcrane commented 3 years ago

To try to summarise, independently of APIs and specific techniques...

Our spec depends on, in a cross-context setting:

...regardless of the access control mechanism protecting that resource (assuming though, that it depends on cookies).

gaelfrost00 commented 3 years ago


gaelfrost00 commented 3 years ago

I 9

johannhof commented 1 year ago

@tomcrane Hello again, we were recently revisiting this issue and wondering if you had any updates to share, were you able to work around your issues? If not, I noticed that @bvandersloot-mozilla recently published a proposal for non-iframe / popup auth Storage Access which seems like it fits nicely onto your scenario:

Any thoughts? :)


tomcrane commented 11 months ago

@johannhof Apologies for missing this notification.

We recently published an update to our specification which gets round the current issues of whether a browser sends third party cookies - e.g., by ensuring that the user has established a trust relationship with the publisher by having performed a significant gesture at the publisher in a first party context.

This also anticipates future uncertainty by not assuming that cookies are being used. We use the term authorizing aspect to describe the aspect of the HTTP request that grants access (which may be something ambient like IP address).

However, it doesn't get round the fundamental problem described above which is encountered especially in this cultural heritage context.

Site A at has an image tag <img src="" />.

  1. Site A needs to know whether the user (i.e., the browser) has an authorizing aspect that will allow them to see mona-lisa.jpg, to avoid showing them broken images
  2. The browser needs to present that authorizing aspect when it makes the request for, which typically is a third party cookie.

This recent post brings this into focus:

None of the remediations really apply to this very simplest expression of the problem above. Site B, the publisher, should not need any knowledge of Site A, or vice versa - no registration, lists of permitted third party contexts etc.

Of course, this very simplest expression of the problem is the same mechanism as used by tracking cookies. But we had hoped that the storage access API approach - of separating out "good" third party cookies from "bad" - would allow continued support for this most simple of cross domain content reuse. Even if that means the user granting permission by some explicit interaction, as well as or instead of the implicit permission granted by the user having performed a significant gesture.

Returning to

This certainly looks very promising as it reintroduces the notion of asking for permission - site-a can ask "is it OK for me to send third party cookies to" It introduces a symmetrical requirement, that the browser, while on site B, can be told that this is OK too. And we have a workflow that takes the user to site B in a first party context at some point.

I will need some more time to digest all this but wanted to get a response in as soon as I noticed your comment - and many thanks again for considering the use case.

Where is the correct place to comment on and ask questions about this proposal?

cfredric commented 10 months ago

Hi @tomcrane - I've published a proposal for HTTP request/response headers that may be helpful here:

Please take a look and let me know if the proposal would be helpful for this, and/or how it could be improved! I acknowledge that it doesn't fully solve the problem presented here, but it might be a step forward anyway.

(I also used the IIIF use case as a motivating example in my explainer; I'm happy to remove that or tweak it if the proposal isn't actually helpful for you.)